Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Nothing make progress like "Harry Callahan"

(left image Mr.Foucault " The third")

The criminal Procedure Code is one of the most difficult law, and mainly it provides "due process".
Coincidentally, I knew serious news about this in U.S,France and Japan, at the same time.
But this three troubles are unique each other.
U.S case is torture problem (water boarding),France case is magistrate problem, and Japan case is confession and DNA identify.
Loopholes always exit. Prosecutor often take a chance in a "dirty"way. this is common thing in every country.
What I always think interesting, is that these"dirty" ways are unique in every country.
Japanese interrogator often interrogates suspect in the way which is not only logical but psychological and emotional.
Japanese prosecutor is not going to make suspect testify but reform their mind. Suspect often burst into tears.Then, interrogator say "He has fallen now."
And sometimes suspect confess false criminal fact about himself. These case is common motif on TV program in Japan.

("Harry Callahan"is a main character in the movie "Dirty Harry")

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