Saturday, June 27, 2009

Who are you?

(left image; I am a "Haniwa". Please call me Hani)

From the very beginning, Nobody knows who describes and reads blog. bloggers stand on the ground of anonymity.
I had been working at publisher more than ten years ago.
Absolutely Publisher can not act under the liberty of anonymity. Why? Because publishing cost is so much expensive. To secure the safety transaction , publisher must describe the name of parties on the book.

Am I meeting you by chance,or did you discover me? You
think "I discovered this for myself"naturally.But you are not always master of what you are doing yourself. On the ground of anonymity, the authority is anonymous too.
Dr Goebbels said,"Politics without propaganda, it's nonsense. Maliciousness of thinking must not be recognized.If people come to think"This is propaganda"Politics will fail.
The most crafty propaganda stands on the ground of the anonymity. By the lead of this propaganda, people say" thinking like so ,it's natural and common."
We can not become the master of ourselves after all. Disclosure for everyone, and equal opportunity, the very TRAP ,it is.

(Dr Goebbels; one of the leaders in Nazi German)

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