Friday, June 5, 2009

マルセル モース Marcel Mauss

  マルセル モースの贈与論が、筑摩から出ていたので購入しました。それにしても9.11(アメリカ同時多発テロ)以後、ほとんど本を読まない買わない状態が続いていましたので、これを機会に読書の再出発と行きたいところです。  
 社会を形成する原動力を「贈与」に象徴されたtotal social fact に見る視点は現代文明のダイナミックスの根底を探る上でもヒントになるかも知れません。(日本人のブランド崇拝と贈答文化なんかは面白い考察対象かもしれません。ちなみに本書では、いわゆる未開人の習俗だけでなく、著作権や近代の社会主義的な政策の贈与論的根拠も若干考察されています。ところで、本論よりも注釈の方が分量が多いので、注釈の方は飛ばして後で暇つぶしに読もうかな。)

 ” THE GIFT” Marcel mauss
 An important notion in Mauss' conceptualisation of gift exchange is "inalienability". In a commodity economy there is a strong distinction between objects and persons through the notion of private property. Objects are sold, meaning that the ownership rights are fully transferred to the new owner. The object has thereby become "alienated" from its original owner. In a gift economy, however, the objects that are given are inalienated from the givers; they are "loaned rather than sold and ceded". It is the fact that the identity of the giver is invariably bound up with the object given that causes the gift to have a power which compels the recipient to reciprocate. Because gifts are inalienable they must be returned; the act of giving creates a gift-debt that has to be repaid. Gift exchange therefore leads to a mutual interdependence between giver and receiver. According to Mauss, the "free" gift that is not returned is a contradiction because it cannot create social ties. Following the Durkheimian quest for understanding social cohesion through the concept of soridarity, Mauss's argument is that solidarity is achieved through the social bonds created by gift exchange.  (extraction from wikipedia)

///// Copyright is just as if a gift-debt. It's "inalienable".Commonly the use of copyright is restricted by the author . Copy want to turn back to original work . A royalty can be thought as a reciprocal gift.Original must be superior to the copy.////This is my own idea on Marcel Mauss.

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