Saturday, December 24, 2011

Gift Und Poison

"Das Gift"means "poison"in German. Do you know it? Depending on etymology, this word "Gift"and gift in English have common ancestor.  To jump to conclusion, Gift is poison itself.
What is the most harmful gift ? Probably, it is a bride. Anthropologists often regard a woman as a wealth for transaction or a sort of donation. They might be sexists when they study for fieldwork.
 By the way, I used to watch a historical play and Yakuza movie. Villains often offer a young lady to wealthy or upper class persons for the purpose of taking them in.
 Famous Japanese noble clan"Fujiwara"could success and get important status by the means of "donating their daughters" to Emperor family. Michinaga Fujiwara send his daughters to royal family and they might be remote control unit to handle Emperor.
Study and Work has nothing to do with "equal rights for women"itself. Anthropology will be prohibited by Femi-Fascists. They must be a poison too.
 In addition, Germanic lore tells various motives that a present changes into a poison.
 And German language has many vocabularies to express the meaning "gift or present"concerned.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friend Or Foe

 Demonstrators are gathering to and fro. Are peasants revolting ? There are not so few demonstrators in the world. Japan too. They are marching and the sprechchor echoes thorough the street. They are agitating against Japanese leading TV broadcast company(Fuji TV). I have almost never heard such the curse "Traitor" that the demonstrator call Fuji TV.

  Well, I can't discern friend or foe.  It is possible that young persons have something to hate. One Young woman are complaining about heavy education loan after Wall street occupied area. I think "You ought to hate education business".  In Wall street there may be many greed businessman ,but they are nothing to do with education system.

  It might be true "Equal opportunity and high educated is a key to get happy life, but it might be illusion or white lie, to tell the truth, you may be hoaxed into paying much money."Even If I were the party, I would wonder whom to be blamed for my rages.

 Japanese demonstrators might have more complex characters. I can't understand why Fuji TV is suddenly denounced by the comrades. Because they have been eager watchers of Fuji TV. But, They changed from friend to foe . What did Fuji TV make?  As I know, Fuji TV has get many maiden female clients and now they prefer Korean drama to Japanese talents. Fuji TV is regarded by them too much humble to Korea to broadcast impartially .
 I get it! The worst traitors are Japanese maiden girls or ladies !

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Man Without Qualities Kakania

I began reading "The Man Without Qualities"English edition,that was written by Robert Musil. After I finished reading "After America ",the author Mark Steyn, I remembered the novel modeled on Vienna, where the multicultural Empire seemed to be well managed but was destined to collapse after WW.Ⅰ.
 The man without qualities who was born in a upper class, is the protagonist. "After Austro-Hungarian Empire, what it will become?"this novel seems for me to say so as far as I have already read it.
 The book  is almost like a block,  so I wonder when I will finish reading. Although it's tough "Quantities" ,occasionally I will upload my comment about "The man without qualities" to this blog.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Celebrate Yourself

Reading the new book "After America"written by Mark Steyn, who is konwn as the author of "America Alone". There are many common problems in Japan, which are pointed out as indigenous problems to the U.S society. But identity politics issue can not be seen so much in Japan as in America.   Maybe, almost Japanese might be unable to understand the meaning "Identity Politics" I think.

However, Harvey Milk High, It sounds strange for me. I have found it in "After America". Of course I don't know it actually, and I can not imagine it to be anything other than the heaven of degenerates. If I call them abnormal persons in public, would I been accused of an offense against human rights? Maybe so. Such the bylaw I found a few times on various web services till now.

Cerebrate Yourself !  It sounds nice in the book"After America".  Without introspection, needless to be ashamed to others, all you have to do is demonstrating your poor body or performance. "Please be assured that nobody bully you of your weirdness!"
 The Americans seem compelled to be tolerant too much while health and multiculturalism are regarded worthy values of sacred and inviolability in modern age.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Animal Farm For Nordic Economy.

I have read G.Orwell's "Animal Farm". This novel is very famous for sarcasm against socialism. If you haven't read it yet and aren't a leftist, I recommend you to read it. It is not necessary to comment about it here because of the established reputation for it.
However, in modern life, farm is not so common job place among industrialized countries. More over Soviet had already collapsed. This novel may needs to be transformed to a modern industrial version against Nordic economic models. Only these incite leftists in the world, to reform their societies(even America) to something like Sweden. But it seems difficult to depict negative sides of a well-managed welfare state, that monetarists prospected it's collapse long ago.
"Why are you anti Sweden?" if I were questioned, I might answer like this."I don't know Sweden so much, but it's regime is obviously socialism, and politicians with which I never agree, always adore and refer to it, that I can not bear such the blind idealization."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Somewhere,But Nowhere

This image is the famous montage which was made by Japanese Police. In 1968, a cash transporter was halted by someone, and three hundred million Yen was robbed off. The perpetrator who disguised himself as a motorbike policeman, was sketched from witnesses. This robbery incident hasn't been solved until now. (Japanese criminal law provides the expiration of a criminal prosecution. So, the perpetrator can not be already accused now .)

Now, as for this image, An imaginary gunman in Virginia tech, could be nowhere. This portrait was sketched from a few witnesses. The University was rocked down, but the turmoil seems to have been only a fuss.
There are no unique features in these images. Featureless countenance can easily get around a warning line. They might be somewhere, but nowhere. Concerning figures that we make from witnesses , they are apt to be made of anonymous averages of details or only imaginations. (Japanese Police say that simple portrait is sometimes more useful than artificial montage photograph. Because it can be deformed and show features as painters intuition just the same as cartoonist.)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Powerful Typhoon Ma-On

 Soon before long, Category 4 typhoon"Ma-On" will hit Japan. How powerful! Every summer, many tropical storms are born in Pacific Ocean near Japan.
Divine Wind "Kamikaze" originated from the typhoons that saved Japan from Mongol invasion in 1274 and and 1281. Mongol fleet was destroyed in a storm for a short moment. The fleet is thought to have been equal to The D-Day operation in Normandy 1944.
In fact,Kamikaze means supernatural defense against enemies, not suicidal attack. The danger past,God forgotten. Devin wind might save us from hopeless surroundings.
Japan Meteorological Agency

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Liberal Arts are White Elephants.

A man of culture get difficulties rather than a welcome. Liberal arts yield nothing useful any more. If you cite something from classics, your friends will show at a loss, and then make fun of you,"You know all, no thanks!"
Huge knowledge about humanities might make you alienated from your friends. Nietzsche was also a bachelor who had become more lonely because of his serious insight about humanities.
In modern society, instead of liberal arts, you have to endure petty soap opera. and if you are a man, to beef up your poor muscle shall be more recommended than to read classics nobody knows.
 "Is the Four-Year, Liberal-Arts Education Model Dead? " I found this in CNBC web and read it.
The times in which high educated means a man of culture had already been dead long, long ago. Perhaps There are no more than 1~2% persons who deserve a intellectual in population. (Depending on my working career in publisher, this means the book sales rate for an intellectual)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fear For Blackout

It was hot today. Shortage of electric power is worried in east area of Japan. Air conditioner may cause a blackout in this summer. So the temperature of cooling in the room is inadequate everywhere. Saving electricity is now a national resort to do without Blackout trouble.
I can't understand why national high school baseball competition(Koshien 甲子園) is due to be held. It is thought to waste electric power the most in the hottest season because of TV broadcasting. But Nobody opposed it. This is the very Japan. "Koshien" that is sacred and inviolable for Japanese. and I dislike it.

Far Right In Europa

Japan,Germany and Italy were called "The Axis" by "Allies". One of these country's feature in common appeared in 1960~70's. It was a terrible far left activity with terrorism. United Red Army (Japan, It was a prototype of modern Palestinian suicide terror ) Red Army Fraction( W Germany infamous Hijacks) Red Brigades(Italy kidnapping). And they were anti-U.S. naturally. In France, America, and many other countries, far left activities went off at that time. But It was not so radical as"The Axis". I assume that it was " W.W Ⅱ resurgence". It was also the battle against Anglo-America Capitalism. In some meanings ,a political movement might be a prolongation of the past war.

What is the most notable political movement in Europa after that? I'm sure that it is Far Right,and it will be in the future. I have no sympathy with Chauvinism, but understand modern far right stemmed from values which were surrendered themselves to the idea of Welfare State. So it often contains libertarianism.
In Britain, Welfare state have been bankrupt once as an idea. But Margaret Thacher was not called Far Right at that time. Although leftists or feminists called her "Fascist". Britain is still a welfare state, but it hasn't already meant a positive value. On the other hand,Thacher was not also so radical as a politician on the right.

Invincible Welfare state like Sweden, seems to have many Far Right supporters now. The more losers the more radical supporters to Far Right. Far Right movement is thought to depends on the pride or self-esteem of a loser or unadapted class. It seems not a temporary movement but a rebel from the side of values neglected for a long time in welfare state. Otherwise, it is a restorationism. (it might be values about family,religion, tribalism, male dominance, free economy or education)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Mystery Of Sweden

Sweden is an unfamiliar land to me, and the Swedish people look very different to Japanese. In Japan, Many intellectuals are often saying "Sweden is a wonderful land or an ideal welfare state." But such their blinded worships to Sweden made me alienated from Sweden rather than know better.
By the way, I have found a troublesome fact in Sweden. Sweden is the worst criminal country in Europe. Why? I have been subjected to listen to the idolization of Sweden in Japan almost like Kim-Jong-il in North Korea for long time. I can't understand the fact. It is anything but an ideal land at least at the point of criminal rate.
For the example, rape rate in Sweden is twenty times as many as France or Germany. As for other criminals, compared with Japan, Japan is no less than free from criminal.
I just have read Wikipedia but I can't get it. Immigrant problems are same in other European countries. It couldn't be fair to blame everything on immigrants.
I heard that some Swedish girls invented anti-rape belt for their chastity. There might not be more disgrace for Swedish people than this.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Money Wagging The Man

I found one interesting blog (Japan). The blogger started his non working retired life just two years ago. His savings was amount to fifty million yen(six hundred twenty five thousand dollars ) at that time. He was still young and his effort to save money was outstanding. He began to enjoy his idle life.
Well, How is he now? He have just lost almost of his savings. He changed all his savings to Tepco(Tokyo electric power company)stocks for HEDGE. But, as you know, Fukushima Nuclear accident blew his all assets off. He is still young. He shall manage to get a job.
We are apt to forget the money is only fiat currency. It's only symbol of the wealth. When I was a junior high school student, I found the fact. But how about gold? Answer to this problem was in the world history.
I couldn't understand Physiocrats and and Mercantilism at that time. Now this seems to me as the wall of fools about"where the wealth come from?" Off course I stand by Physiocrats.
He realized this fact and had a fear for inflation. To prevent his assets from inflation, he changed all cash to Tepco's stock, and blew himself up. (commodities yield neither interest nor dividend money)

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Nikon D80 AF Zoom Nikkor 70-300mm
June, this year
A shrike is famous for it's unique territorial behavior and caching insects.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

"We are not amused." A Case Of Curl Gustaf

" Please, let me go at least Hooters. I'm almost being strangled. I am not so chaste to do without nightlife " Swedish king might say so.

The Japanese people often tell the innocent prejudice to Swedish. "Sweden is a freedom of Love affair."So, such a rude Japanese might say "Well done, Hey kaiser!”「いよっ大統領」 By the way, I don't Know about Sweden at all without a camera "Hasselblad". Please forgive me.

Modern citizens don't forgive a royal family member to approach a sex industry at all. In Japan, whatever associates with nightlife must be eliminated from royal family images too. But these are implied forbiddance, so-called "Taboo". It looks like a paradox in the modern age, that celebrities or a royal family must be decent and modest in fear of implicit ill will of the people. (In fact, they were quite different before 17~18th century) The right of nightlife is one of fundamental human rights, isn't it?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Terrorism, Tsunami, And Shadenfreude

I might be snide. Forgiving myself, I am introspective, and sensitive to negative emotion in my subconsciousness. And negative feelings often seem to be installed in collective feelings.
Individualism is not always true to explain man's psychology. Many psychologists have pointed out the collective side of emotion, and revealed mob psychology.
Negative accident, or terrorism might incite negative emotions. They often are an enmity toward social winner, vandalism and denial of industrial system. As anyone knows in the world history, especially Nazism,racism was the worst eruption in collective negative feelings.
In fact, terrorism is schemed to political effect. If it satisfy losers with malicious joy, masterminds of the terrorism will think to get a score.
Nuclear reactor accident unleashed schadenfreude to TEPCO(Tokyo electric power company). A shapeless grudge might extend to anti industrial system.
How joyful the people in the side of anti-nuclear power are! But None of them have an moderate opinion for national energy policy. Off course, their fantastic energy plan seems inadequate to the mediocre but conscience businessman.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Convalescence Of Aphasia Could Be Unsatisfactory

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's face's photo is public. Her countenance reminds me of patients who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Depending on the news, she is suffering from right side paralysis.
To surgery for cerebral hemorrhage is only to remove the hemorrhaged blood, not to restore damaged brain. Cerebral hemorrhage is common disease, and an aphasia is well-known sequela.(Whoever has a family member suffered from this disease, knows what it is like.)
Politics depends on verbal and rhetorical performance. Her aphasia might indicate something convulsion in the modern civilization . While an verbal diarrhea, political debates become nonsense day by day. Terrorism might overcome a rational process. Politics will suffer from aphasia , or might have already suffered, and it's prognosis will be unsatisfactory just like various historic terrorism have shown in the world history. A language will become a junk, and people shall sprechchor."No more debate, No more compromise. To kill or not to kill, that's problem, otherwise Money".

Monday, June 6, 2011

Almost People Never Die Of E.coli Food Poisoning

E.coli is a common bacteria. On some Japanese beach,E.coli often used to be detected. Excreta was thrown away to sea without sewerage disposal. Many people might died of it. Now we cannot know how it was. Developed medical method enable us to scrutinize the cause of a disease.

Germany is considered to be the most hygienic country in the world, Many people might not well imagine E.coli panic. I also cannot imagine how German worry about it. It is called O-104. I heard that O-104 is antibiotic resistance bacteria. On the other hand,four Japaneses died of O-157,and O111.

As a matter of fact, many people die of infectious disease even now. Pneumonia is well known. The death of food poisoning is far rarer than pneumonia in developed country. Innocent Spanish
farmer should angry. After all,nobody clamor about common death. In information technology age,
infection panic also seems to be a mass media phenomenon just same as swine flu would be.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hey ,Kan You Are Already Dead.

To scrap a disuse reactor safe, it need to be soaked in the water almost forever. And nuclear experts call it "water entombment".
In Japanese, it is said "Sui Kan".
Prime minister Naoto Kan announced to step down, and his colleague Hatayama ex P.M agreed with him yesterday.
Today, Kan denied his pledge with Hatoyama. He declare to linger on his position. Hatoyama outraged and denounced fierce "Kan You are a liar." What caused him so outrageous? Some commentators explained that Kan deceived him about the timing of his resignation. It was this month yesterday. But today "it will be next year.I won't quit until the water entombment finished. I am responsible for "Sui Kan" "he said. .....................
Kan, You shall go to Sui kan(水棺) because"You Are Already Dead".

Friday, June 3, 2011

Chastise After Operation "Tomodachi"

Vocabulary building is arduous but attractive for anyone to study language. Well I have just got the word "chastise". I don't remember how I found this word. "chaste"means "morally pure or virgin" And "chastise" means "corporal punishment" A consistency of words like this is quite different from Japanese which is my first language, and whenever I associate one word or idea with others, I feel pleased with it complacently.
Searching "chastise" by google, Avro Lancaster(British bomber)images hit the page. They were famous for dam busters used in"Operation chastise". This operation name might be well known rather than the word "chastise"itself in Japan. What associates"chastise" with demolishing German dam by bouncing bomb? I have no idea at all.

Well,as for operation name, U.S Army deigned relief for Japanese in devastated area,and it was called "Operation Tomodachi". "Tomodachi"is a Japanese word,and it means "Friend"in English. In difficulties, we should have a friend.Japanese ex-prime minister Koizumi said for U.S Bush "I am your friend" just after 9.11 incident. These things look like the truth everytime and everywhere.

Japanese politics has become more and more chaotic.Japanese politicians are anything but"Tomodachi"each other.Moreover the people little understand their policy.
Japanese politicians seem to need "Chastise"rather than "Tomodachi". Of course,Mr Strauss Kahn shall be chastised.(This is redundant,isn't it.)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

twitter widget added "Test"

New widget added.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sovereign Debt Crisis Again

We are optimists all over the world. All we have to do is to churn out national bond. No matter what will happen, we need not to do an arduous job. Printing money is easy task. Why are we such idiots who don't study the historical lessons
However, I am not a financial expert nor a technocrat of the financial administration. So my opinion can not surpass a gossiping at a barbershop.But I am convinced that coming crisis will be provoked coincidentally among many countries. Because astronomical huge money are circulated by speculation in the modern world.
"To warn the catastrophe seems to cry wolf but Japanese governmental liabilities have become to the serious level.And Doomesday might come suddenly."The Governor of the Bank of Japan said a short while ago.
As for famous Aesop's allegory "cry wolf", the last crying was true. After all,villagers came to be preys for wolf pack. Tsunami might swept the fear for the another serious problem from Japan. We neglect this serious financial problem and might have some implicit consent with a lax policy."To pretend forgetting a problem is a best policy."Shall we think so?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Vegetables Sell At A Low Price.

I have bought Vegetables just now. Some Vegetables come from a farmland nearby Fukushima nuclear plant.I mightn't know better than to eat radioactive vegetables. Well I don't care about nuclear accident (Someone might consider me an idiot and indiscreet person)and we can get vegetables at a discount.
Ignorant is a bliss. Literally, I am ignorant of what a radioactive food harm the human health. It is not because of the lack of information,but Information about radioactive danger is TOO MUCH TO DISCERN RIGHT.
Radioactive vegetables, Whenever we all eat it together, you need not dread to eat it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crazy Kan

Whoever have a poor and naive person as a nation leader is unlucky. Not a few Japanese have come to think prime minister Naoto Kan himself deserve to be regarded as a worse disaster rather than Tsunami. Serious shortage of electricity is foreseen in this summer.Nevertheless,he call for normal reactor to stop immediately. The reactor located on epicenter where mega quake is expected.
But it is not so much dangerous as other reactors in Japan. Because it is important Whether safety system against disaster is effectively equipped in a earthquake zone like Japan. Tsunami which hit Fukushima was unfortunately OUT OF EXPECTATION.
To say the truth, Naoto Kan is FAR LEFT. His pose against nuclear reactor was messy and encouraged Nuclear reactor negatives without alternative means.He might as well hope anarchism as recover industries. "Naot Kan, if you are sane, Quite your ridiculous scheme,and resign prime minister."

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Donald Might Visit Tohoku

Tokyo Disneyland resumed the operation. As for Disney, I associate with Donald rather than Micky Mouse. Donald should panic over swaying whenever aftershocks occur.
Mickey will go to Tohoku and see the damaged people. But,What would Donald do if he visited to the devastated area. Perhaps,he might do anything insensitive and rude.
I want to see"Donald visit the stricken area"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Depression After The Quake

Since this twenty years ago,many Japanese have a melancholia. Economic slump has been lasting for long time. And more over,gloomy mood will squash Japanese optimism.
Many aged people have died in east north area of Japan. Many devastated towns were "Kasochi"where young generation don't want to live and dweller become to be old. This fact caused depression mood too. Earth Quake reveal another Japanese crisis just like the reactor accident.
Words of encouragement might aggravate Japanese melancholia. Japanese have no way to recover without changing their values or lifestyle.
Today, I was swayed by aftershock quake in a bus and heard aged murmur"Old people will die soon,earthquake...So What."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This is not a drill.

I had a nightmare last night. It was an air raid. I was anxiety in a shelter in the dream. BUT, It
was only reflection of real disaster.
Tsunami was real event,and air raid was dream. Long before,I was interested in dream interpretation and used to read C.G.Jung.
One day,C.G.Jung had a strong impressive daydream.It was a formidable deluge over Europe. He couldn't understand the meaning of the dream but his mind was obsessed by it's image after that. What did it predict? It turned out before long. WW1 occurred.
"This is not a drill" is famous phrase known as a first telegraph of a Japanese air raid on pearl harbor. Why was the phrase used?. It meant"this is not a fake but a true event." To be short, I felt the disaster as if it were a fake event on the television.(Although I was swayed by the strong quake.)and I dreamed "This is not a fake".
Historic event might be such a thing as"Too big to feel the reality"

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bought The Nikon F5

I have made two Nikon F100s scraps. How ludicrous I am ! One was broken its electric connect,and the other was demolished the shatter blade. To be short,I disassembled them and failed to reassemble.

And then I bought F5. It is too heavy to use casually. F5 is so-called"Flagship model",This word is too exaggerated. I feel myself to be "Admiral Togo".By the way, Legendary E Rommel liked taking photo,and Leica was his favoite camera.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Strange Coincidence

After this disaster in Japan I remembered some huge earthquake occured in China . It attacked communist party under the regime "Gang of Four". The Tangshan Earthquake might be the Deng Xiaoping's quake weapon. Cultual Revolution failed and Jiang Qing was sentenced to death. And Deng came back from confinement.
Now I've got to know a cinema narrated this earthquake. It is a Chinese cinema,and will release soon in Japan(March 26 ). Many Japanese will feel this release untimely. (Jiang Qing was an actress and Mao's wife)

The Tangshan Earthquake also known as the Great Tangshan Earthquake, was a natural disaster that occurred on July 28, 1976. It is believed to be the largest earthquake of the 20th century by death toll.(Wikipedia)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tsunami might be Lethal Weapon.isn't it

I felt almost dead than alive yesterday. Strong quake had been lasting for 3 or 4 minutes. At the first, electricity blacked out.Next,ground came to be swaying strongly,and I got out from my house, Then I went to buy some foods nearby store. Someone who was standing previous in a line by the register appeared a tic.
Six hours later, I watched TV, I was convinced that this disaster caused by Quake Weapon. This is the very weapon that infamous AUM shinrikyo emphasized by the "Hansin Megaearthquake".
By the way,Off course, This weapon is authentically "Joke". I will offer my condolence to every people damaged in this disaster.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Too Lazy To Grow "Goya"

Kevin Maher, a U.S.diplomat was accused of his "mockery"to the people in Okinawa. "Goya"is famous native vegetable in Okinawa."Too bitter to eat"for me.
His remarks were surely full of ridicule and Japanese newspapers reported his utterance "People in Okinawa are masters of manipulation and extortion"

Ordinally, He will apologize to people in Okinawa, But I am not contented with such a common behavior. I'm "Too childish to feel his remorse" I anticipated that he would tone his mockery up.
It might come to be "schadenfreude"for me.
I dislike a wording farce like this.
Please forgive me.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Col.Gaddafi's Tears

Col Gaddafi must be weeping now in dark gloomy chamber. "I already surrendered myself to U.S Bush. I have been subject to U.S and U.K policy after that. Possibly I am not a Crown but a Clown." Libyan don't always understand "Western democracy". Gaddafi might know Westernization better than such people.
Once upon a time, There was a famous battle in North Africa. Legendary E Rommel's campaign began from Tripoli. He also felt betrayed by Adolf Hitler. and Nazis compelled Rommel to suicide.

By the way, Nobody knows where North Africa go. I wonder why Japanese statesmen TV,and newspapers have little interest in North Africa.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Premodern Revolution

Do you remember "Khomeini Revolution" This was not a modernism. Islamic Revolution denied Westernization. Egypt incident might come to be "Islamic Revolution"like this. This is a "reversal democracy" against the value of Europe.
Of course ,under this premodern rebelion, "Sexism" is right and "homosexual" is odious. Restoration movement as a postmodernism is one of the most influential political and thinking movement. By the way, M Foucault(famous French Philosopher1926-1984) praised "Khomeini Revolution". This became a blot of his career as a scholar.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Disuse Syndrome

My mother is charged in hospital now. She got serious pyelitis and had lain in bed for a month. I worried "Disuse Syndrome" . My family did without this horrifying diagnosis fortunately. And I got many Knowledge about medical rehabilitation.
Not writing sometime, My Blog would be "Disuse Syndrome"