Friday, June 17, 2011

Terrorism, Tsunami, And Shadenfreude

I might be snide. Forgiving myself, I am introspective, and sensitive to negative emotion in my subconsciousness. And negative feelings often seem to be installed in collective feelings.
Individualism is not always true to explain man's psychology. Many psychologists have pointed out the collective side of emotion, and revealed mob psychology.
Negative accident, or terrorism might incite negative emotions. They often are an enmity toward social winner, vandalism and denial of industrial system. As anyone knows in the world history, especially Nazism,racism was the worst eruption in collective negative feelings.
In fact, terrorism is schemed to political effect. If it satisfy losers with malicious joy, masterminds of the terrorism will think to get a score.
Nuclear reactor accident unleashed schadenfreude to TEPCO(Tokyo electric power company). A shapeless grudge might extend to anti industrial system.
How joyful the people in the side of anti-nuclear power are! But None of them have an moderate opinion for national energy policy. Off course, their fantastic energy plan seems inadequate to the mediocre but conscience businessman.

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