Thursday, June 16, 2011

Convalescence Of Aphasia Could Be Unsatisfactory

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's face's photo is public. Her countenance reminds me of patients who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Depending on the news, she is suffering from right side paralysis.
To surgery for cerebral hemorrhage is only to remove the hemorrhaged blood, not to restore damaged brain. Cerebral hemorrhage is common disease, and an aphasia is well-known sequela.(Whoever has a family member suffered from this disease, knows what it is like.)
Politics depends on verbal and rhetorical performance. Her aphasia might indicate something convulsion in the modern civilization . While an verbal diarrhea, political debates become nonsense day by day. Terrorism might overcome a rational process. Politics will suffer from aphasia , or might have already suffered, and it's prognosis will be unsatisfactory just like various historic terrorism have shown in the world history. A language will become a junk, and people shall sprechchor."No more debate, No more compromise. To kill or not to kill, that's problem, otherwise Money".

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