Thursday, June 30, 2011

Liberal Arts are White Elephants.

A man of culture get difficulties rather than a welcome. Liberal arts yield nothing useful any more. If you cite something from classics, your friends will show at a loss, and then make fun of you,"You know all, no thanks!"
Huge knowledge about humanities might make you alienated from your friends. Nietzsche was also a bachelor who had become more lonely because of his serious insight about humanities.
In modern society, instead of liberal arts, you have to endure petty soap opera. and if you are a man, to beef up your poor muscle shall be more recommended than to read classics nobody knows.
 "Is the Four-Year, Liberal-Arts Education Model Dead? " I found this in CNBC web and read it.
The times in which high educated means a man of culture had already been dead long, long ago. Perhaps There are no more than 1~2% persons who deserve a intellectual in population. (Depending on my working career in publisher, this means the book sales rate for an intellectual)

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