Friday, June 3, 2011

Chastise After Operation "Tomodachi"

Vocabulary building is arduous but attractive for anyone to study language. Well I have just got the word "chastise". I don't remember how I found this word. "chaste"means "morally pure or virgin" And "chastise" means "corporal punishment" A consistency of words like this is quite different from Japanese which is my first language, and whenever I associate one word or idea with others, I feel pleased with it complacently.
Searching "chastise" by google, Avro Lancaster(British bomber)images hit the page. They were famous for dam busters used in"Operation chastise". This operation name might be well known rather than the word "chastise"itself in Japan. What associates"chastise" with demolishing German dam by bouncing bomb? I have no idea at all.

Well,as for operation name, U.S Army deigned relief for Japanese in devastated area,and it was called "Operation Tomodachi". "Tomodachi"is a Japanese word,and it means "Friend"in English. In difficulties, we should have a friend.Japanese ex-prime minister Koizumi said for U.S Bush "I am your friend" just after 9.11 incident. These things look like the truth everytime and everywhere.

Japanese politics has become more and more chaotic.Japanese politicians are anything but"Tomodachi"each other.Moreover the people little understand their policy.
Japanese politicians seem to need "Chastise"rather than "Tomodachi". Of course,Mr Strauss Kahn shall be chastised.(This is redundant,isn't it.)

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