Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crazy Kan

Whoever have a poor and naive person as a nation leader is unlucky. Not a few Japanese have come to think prime minister Naoto Kan himself deserve to be regarded as a worse disaster rather than Tsunami. Serious shortage of electricity is foreseen in this summer.Nevertheless,he call for normal reactor to stop immediately. The reactor located on epicenter where mega quake is expected.
But it is not so much dangerous as other reactors in Japan. Because it is important Whether safety system against disaster is effectively equipped in a earthquake zone like Japan. Tsunami which hit Fukushima was unfortunately OUT OF EXPECTATION.
To say the truth, Naoto Kan is FAR LEFT. His pose against nuclear reactor was messy and encouraged Nuclear reactor negatives without alternative means.He might as well hope anarchism as recover industries. "Naot Kan, if you are sane, Quite your ridiculous scheme,and resign prime minister."

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