Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Global cooling will come soon.

 My uncle is a meteorologist. So he wrote a paper about global cooling.He scrutinized Japanese glacier. Although huge increase of oil consumption,global climate was cooling in 60`s and 70's. I wondered a complex climate system.
CO2 was not a main factor of worming. When did it become to be the principal?
After all ,It is important for us to estimate the global thermal balance seat.Actually CO2 itself is a neutral position for global warming. Indeed the higher the temperature is ,the more CO2 exists in the air,but the contrary is not true. Depending on thermodynamics, increase of CO2 in the air cause cool summer. Keeping warm equal to keeping cool.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I may be frustrated as a reactionist. Because My sexuality has depended on other race unexpectedly. It can't be changed. A Ultra Nationalism can't exist in modern world. I was a boy of a xenophobia. But after all I must be a cosmopolitan now.
Thoughts often are caught in a trap and fail.
Democrats repeat cliche of progressive spell. But They can change nothing. They often destruct good customs rather than reform well. And they say to themselves"We had no intention to do such a thing.". They believe unquestioningly in "To alter is better than invariability."In fact a Democrat only wants to demolish anything of values indeed.
On the other hand, conservative seems to lose their ground now. A Free and Independent spirits became defending estate spirits. and they always are afraid of being a boor and a square. Generally they have the idea of good old things and respectable tradition. They discover nothing in such a thing after all. Because generally they are opportunist and regard the past or tradition convenient.
After Cold War, Nihilism and radical religion only remain.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I offer my condolence to Dubai.

What did kill Dubai? This is the demoniac power of a money. Dubai isn't likely to recover.
Huge speculative money is concentrated to the some specific non trade sector(commonly stock market, real estate,or resort developing)Non trade sector has no money increase day by day, Usually, if the price of trade goods become higher,it doesn't sell well. but in non trade sector,price rising draw more money.and when the price goes down ,everything will collapse.Speculative money escape at once from there. Speculations and collapses like this have refrained many times until now.
In Japan, many people say about these bubble economy figuratively "It seems like Old Maid card game"

Friday, November 27, 2009


To tell the truth, there is few outstanding critics,or thinkings about mammoism. Of course there many stories about mamonism(for example Shakespeare,Bible,Marx so on).
Nazism depended a lot on negative emotions against mammonism.Jew was made a scapegoat for autointoxication of mammonistic Europeans. Mammonism destructs social community.
In 90's ,Japanese mass media often used strange changing word ("Enjo Kosai") It was only prostitution. Mammonism possessed low teen girls. They were not damaged girls.They were not poverties. Only stupid mammonists. Only mamonism was the principle for them. Because of extreme bad emotion, it was deviced as the soft impression word. When I listened it first, I misunderstood
a vouge phrase for a correspondence.
I am not satisfied by the explanation of the mammonism as a only greedy mind.(most typical comments based on such the preposition.) Why are people possessed by the illusion of money power,and get satisfied self respect by the amount of earnings? Why does the love for money sometime change into destructive passion?

Thursday, November 26, 2009


  Every one can't speak or write something without the past.Man looks like being in the bonds of his old origins. My understanding of stranger in all over the world, depend on the historical knowledge and my past experience too. I acquired social knowledge too much. so I can realize easily the ground on which someone writes or speaks.
So I imagine the world where every people forget all the past. If I could,I would get happy ignorant back like a childhood.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


November,25, 1970 famous novelist YUKIO MISHIMA died.Just it was 39years ago.His eccentric death is well known around the world still now.
His novels are worth to read now, so I read some Mishima works. Sometime I feel his works indicated the end of the modern novel.To live a comfortable life itself, didn't become a good motif of novels. The idea of "SUBLIME DEATH or SUICIDE FOR GREAT REASON" possessed his mind in stupid fruitless peaceful Japan. If a novelist suicide now, people won't pay attention to such a stupid affair. because a modern novelist can't seriously influence the reader now. Nowadays any novelist hardly surpass the reader without the publishing business. And moreover educated people come not to read the novels. Everyone can read and write and they are well-informed .but an intellectual became to be useless day by day.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


a Japanese poet ;ISSA KOBAYASHI 1763~1827
( The child is always crying to fetch the moon.)
I always feel women are instigated by endless desire in the modern world. The fashion magazines for women make a fruitless frustration to the reader. These are filled by the sort of "asking for the moon".
Why the moon is the symbol of the childish desire in English too ?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fatality Drums.

(image;Great Spotted Woodpecker,Nikon D60)

Drumming inspires primitive feeling of existence in person. It sounds like The charge.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Anxiety over the world

Recent News all over the world make me feel nothingness. I have not had a question "why does the matter happen?"already now. News commentators give a plausible excuse.Mostly these view are based on a cliche.(out of envy. for the money,or sexual desire)
Long time ago(when The Cold War ended) ,I read Kierkegaard"The Concept of Anxiety"Depending on this ,man lives in the nihilistic world. (To be different from Nietzsche,he thought it originated from a sin.)The anxiety signals an essential lack. Daily occurrence has no reason.
Hearing about a suicide of famous German football player(Robert Enke),these ideas occurred to me. Nowadays,a suicide attack has became to be a everyday happening.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

See this works."Kingfisher show itself"

(Nikon D70 Nikkor AF70-300mm zoom F7.1 1/125 iso 200)

Best position!

How about overhead?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lunatic psychiatrist

(image;Ouroboros eats itself)

IN 1935 , Japan "The Aizawa Incident"(Army lieutenant colonel)happened. Aizawa cut major general Tetsuzan Nagata down with his Japanese sword. He testified that the motive for the crime was the oracle he had heard. His attorney alleged lunacy.But the judgement was a death penalty. His lunacy was indeed the OMEN of serious historical incident.
I was astonished "Psychiatrist shooting" in U.S Army facility.This is a" The SELF-REFERENCE"problem. It asks devils to come. If a psychiatrist is abnormal in the closed group or organization, nobody can judge what is normal or not. I heard the killer possessed by the SOMETHING.What a inauspicious!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Rubix cube and Levi Strauss

(image1;This is a famous puzzle"Rubix cube")

(image2; Claude Levi=strauss, anthropologist)

Whenever I listen the topics about Levi=strauss, Rubix cube remind me of structuralism. This toy has many things to do with mathematics " group theory". The arrangement of the elements always can be replaced the another finite arrangement. This is called "Permutation" Every times we transform arrangements, we can't change how to operate this puzzle.(we can only revolve just one third of the cubic puzzle around axis at any time,as you know.) This is "Structure" . Mathematical idea like this was applied for linguistic,or kinship. This is called "Structuralism". We can use different expressions by the language. But phonologically,we have to obey always the invariable elements (it is called "Phoneme"). Structuralist seeks for a invariable frame like these in the sensitivity.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Levi-Strauss "Structuralism is always misunderstood."

Structuralism , it is always misunderstood. Levi-strauss has died ,aged 100. How long life it was.
Most people can't understand his intellectual revolution in 20th century. He had destroyed the idea "improvement of humanity,or advanced western people"in the history.
After all , Levi-strauss has died ,but the essence of structuralism remains to be unknown still now.
And all explanation about structuralism on the news are wrong as I expected.(BBC mistakes too)
Transformation and differential relations forms Structure. and it is homological with incest taboo.
These are very important. Structuralism is not a machinery system itself at all. Or rather, it may be invariable method and frame work for making machine.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


(MAMIYA RB 6×7 SEKOR 90mm ; FUJI super G 100)
By old middle size camera ,I made some photo samples of my scratch build models.
Old Sekor lens was molded, It has been cleaned, but the resolution is not so high(It is inferior performance to a middle class digital SLR )
Large size film is unique still now. It has delicate texture.
Sample Models are my original works, Figure is made of paper cray,and scale is 1/8. U.S recipro engine fighter(Republic P47 THUNDERBOLT ) model is made of wood,white pine, scale,1/ is scratch build,not model kit. Japanese fighter ,NAKAJIMA Ki-44-ⅱ"鍾馗 SHOKI"It is made of a magnolia hypoleuca"朴の木".

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


(images; compact film camera Fuji CARDIA 700 ZOOM 1988 model, sample photo temple Fuji color 100)

I bought a compact film camera for a song. it is twenty years old model. On the Internet auction, nobody put a price on it.
I tried a shot by it.
It was very low picture quality.
I thought it cheap trivial film camera, and would disassemble it as a junk. By the way,
Please look at sample images. I discovered ring screw for focus adjustment at the top lens.
I managed to adjust it.
I tried a shot again. It was a wonderful quality.
But such many cameras like this are thrown away as a junk now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog in Blog "I am a back seat driver."

Back seat driver
Can you(this blog writer) write more interesting story? Sometimes I have no idea about what you say. I may have better idea than you. Good writing has something lowbrow.
......posted by back seat driver ..0 comment..Links to this post

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No ,we can't.

(Image;Chinese bamboo partridge)

We were a poultry. Now we enjoy wildlife. My many comrades run about in the bush of bamboo. Nobody hunts us. We originated from china.We can't go back to a cage any more.

Or,perhaps "Yes, you can." Someday you will come back to the cage.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Really great? Negative Film

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 5

Image 1,3 are scanned at about 450,000 pixel.(kodak Ekter 100)
As a total of 35mm film, the amount of pixel is 36~45,000,000!
By the way , maximum picture size on this blogger is 1,713,600(1600 x 1071)pixel.
I used cheap zoom lens ( nikkor AF 35-80 4.o 5.6D).
Image 5; Left side ,scan level 1.8Mega pixel/a 35mm film,Right side,36Mega pixel/a 35mm film

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Film or Digital?

(image; Nikon F3 HP,my collection)

Until a few years ago, there had been the controversy "which is the better,Film or Digital in the picture quality".But I didn't care such trivial matters. So I am using Film camera still now. Simple people thinks " the newer the better,every thing."
I worked at a publisher, I realized digital would replace Film at once. The Answer is simple. we can do away with the troublesome reversal film. Reversal Film was mainly for publishing use.
To say precisely, Digital replaced reversal film. Most amateur camera freak don't know the true performance of NEGATIVE FILM. And they always misunderstand reversal the better than negative.Especially MONOCHROME FILM IS INCREDIBLE performance. Therefore Negative Film is used for an aerial photograph still now.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obsolete word

Famous fashion brand files for bankruptcy in Japan. Yohji Yamamoto (Y's) , his name remind me 80's. And I remember a large number of obsolete word. I won't drag Japanese word. But actuary
many terms in a fashion magazine disappeared in the world.
Recently I don't see "Groovy" and"Foxy"in English . In Yahoo Answers(Japan) someone answered that they could be used with children. It sounds like "obsolete word". "bubble 80's" "lost90's",some Japanese use often such phrases. Many things have faded away for last two decades.

Friday, October 9, 2009

chicken head

Learning languages is tough business to most people. Although much effort,most people forget what he learned. When I was studying for the examination to enter university, classic Japanese trouble me very much. After six years of learning English in school, English for examination was already easy for me.( I managed to enter university ;law)
I am embarrassed to confess the fact that I taught high school student English when I was in the university. Please don't be surprised, one of my student had American mother. I felt more dead than alive.
 As for "chicken head" , in classic Japanese it means to become a leader of small sect or organization. (To become followers in a big group is " cow's hip".) in modern Japanese, it means to forget everything only after a short time. How to use is following."He forget every things after three steps walking."Then people say "He is a chicken head".
By the way, what does "chicken head"mean in English?I didn't learn such an English phrase in the school. Someone use a phrase" chicken head girls". what does it mean?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

War is the first cause.

(left image; war propaganda poster in Imperial Japan. Title UCHITE
SHI YAMAN " Drive away the enemy with gunfire"a phrase in old tails of first emperor "Jinmu")

There is no more troublesome than a discourse about war. I have an idea of studies "discourse about war". I discovered the axiom about war . Following famous Greek philosopher "Heraclitus"(War is the father of all things) I provide it "War is the first cause".
Clever readers can understand this proposition damages following propositions."Why war happens?or How can we stop war? We must not start hopeless war. "
What is the difficult problems of a discourse about war? It is always covered with such SECOND GUESSING. If it doesn't , mostly it is spoiled by weapon freak chatting.
If war is the last trump card, War inevitably will happen, whether there is hope for victory or not. After the war, whatever is explained,TAIL WAG THE DOG.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Strange Islands "Andaman"

(above image;Japanese marsh shrimp Nikon D70, AF-S VR Micro Nikkor 105mm)

One day, Some old man spoke to me. He looked for his umbrella. After the getting it back, we had a long chat.
He had been in Andaman islands in WW2. After that, he went to Java island, worked for oil plant.Every day, he ate crustacean every day.
On Andaman islands ,he saw some strange things. one of them was a British facilities at work,the others were German U-boot and a strange aborigine at the SAME TIME.How strange scene it was. He added the aborigine put a strange sack in the crotch.We hardly believed it. But Recently I become to believe his testimony was true.Now I understand Andaman islands is very famous place among Anthropologist. The islands are wrapped in mystery still now.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fool's errand

(image;Guadalcanal islands)

It has been five months since I started to write this blog. It was fruitless job.I understood a phrase"Fool's errand". It is the very phrase for me. I appreciate bloggers who place my comments in their own blogs.By the way, some strange my blog readers in Japan are reading this blog very slowly every time.What are you doing?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Freud or Jung?

(left image; C.G.Jung Jung Institute Zurich)
Nowadays, critics based on Freud and Jung(great innovators of psychiatry ) don't appear in the journalism. For a long time ago, I have asked an Englishman how about C.G.Jung's thinking in Britain. I heard that it was popular there.(please read Wikipedia about Freud and C.G.Jung)
Especially so-called "New Age"preferred C.G.Jung. But recently a psychiatry is mainly a treatment with drugs, not a therapy.After all ,mental disease is thought to be cared with drugs. Not knowing whether such an affair has something to do with or not, the death or accident seems to be caused by sleeping and mental drug one after another.(Japanese famous drunken politician who slurring attended to the international briefing"Shouichi Nakagawa"was dead yesterday . I suspect he died of drugs for the care same as Michael Jackson.)Actuary,he was excellent person (former financial minister).
Japanese famous blog writer "Nobuo Ikeda"(economics) made fun of C.G.Jung "He is a fortune-teller on the corner." This is right comment. therefore he failed to run C.G.jung down. Because a fortune telling or a channeling, we may need it for a mental health.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My favorite fools.

(left image;Crabs)

Recently, I knew that Filipino often use a phrase "crab mentality".In the basket,crabs disturb themselves getting free each other. So this phrase is a metaphor of jealousy or negative reflection and accusation.It is truly accurate expression. This is just like "Prisoner's Dilemma"in game theory too. we can not get maximum merit because of distrust each other.By the way,in German, there is a neat phrase "schadenfreude"too. Japanese say
"Other's misfortune tastes sweet.".How unconcealed expression it is!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Life on instinct

To be different from an animal,a man has no stable instinct. In the different Era,people has another desire.One Japanese psychiatrist provided"Human is a broken instinct animal". In short, human desire is a culture itself.
Before the war, famous writer"Takeo,Arishima"proclaim "Life on instinct"He was influenced by Nietzsche's thinking. He ran to adultery.After all , he suicided with other's wife in Japanese way(Shinju心中).What was his instinct? I can't understand at all.

Friday, October 2, 2009

You are already dead.

A long time ago, I read the cartoon "Fist of the North stars""北斗の拳" The story was ridiculous but hero "Kenshiro" used the amazing elocution in this cartoon. I would expect where he used the
elocution"You are already dead".
Recently I discovered this cartoon series dubbed into English. I haven't recognized the existence because I let such a trivial cartoon be. It looks like very popular in English region.
I watch it on Youtube. I am not native English speaker. So I don't Know how impressions natives have to it. Regardless to say,Dubbed English elocution is very cool impression for me.
In Japan, There is a translation style Japanese ,for example novels and songs. This cartoon gave me such impression at that time.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good Night Baby

(Good Night Baby;German Caption)
This is old hit song "Good Night Baby" in japan,1968. This Group is "The Kingtones " and first Japanese R&B group.
This was sold in U.S and R&B Charts was 48.
I hear they are active now too .

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stupid Justice,Opportunity Justice.

(image;Foucault The third)

In western world,nobody opposes against "Equal Opportunity" But this is a cliche which put person(especially young people) under a spellbinding.
Depending on "Stupid justice", there are only two important things in the world. They are called "Egalitarianism and meritocracy".
Creative Art never originates from them. Whoever create something needs an accident and absurdity after a long term training.
According to Nietzsche, we hate creativity. Mediocrity and commonplace are justice for ordinal person.
This theme is actuary serious, therefor, I will comment lately again.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The End of The Politics

(image;Neon tetra)

As for" Power-Knowledge",someone who has specialized social science,remember M.Foucault. Please don't mistake"Knowledge is Power"
Depending on his theory,
Not only cooperation of them, but also "our own Ego" originate from them.
Therefore, without politics,we may wipe our own ego out cleanly.
I dislike politics,and Sometime I imagine the world without ego like a fish.
By the way ,North Korea used the medicine to erase man's memory,and reformed the mind. Some U.S prisoners in Korean War, were erased their belief, became a perfect communist at heart.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Public debt and right of pledge

(image;Fist of the North stars,Kenshiro"You are already dead.")

We can't attach the government property. In Japanese gangster novels or cartoons, sometime a loan gang bring the daughter as a pawn from a insolvent person. He said "We shall take your daughter."
If government became insolvent, can we do such like that? Not knowing what economists say about, the amount of public debts has own limit of solvency. If government exceed over the limit, default will be real inevitably.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Please don't fly away.

(image;Eisvogel nikon f100,centuria100)

The day before yesterday, Kingfisher was in my sight. I took a photo of it.
One old man told to me "as for a bird, I had only thought catching and eating in my childhood".
Is this the very difference of Era?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Intercultural understanding and ethnocentrism 1

Actually,intercultural understanding is hard to know what is important. Generally,in every country an alien critic to our own culture is fail to get touch with our cultural sensitivity.
Now I am studying German as a foreign language. For example It is difficult for non German speaker to use "Sie and Du"(either is "You" in English).We cannot understood how Germany use "Sie and Du" in English Culture. In some case, to change the word "Sie"to"Du" means"I Love You".But recently I heard that young people prefer to use "Du",and some couples call "Sie"each other. Therefor intercultural understanding is difficult.
By the way , Japanese often misuse an complex honorific expression even though their own language. Why can aliens understand such like that?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pretty Pony

Songs for animals or pets are rare. Let me introduce one.
Someday my cherished pony shall become a war-horse .
The Sad day of parting from pony has come.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Do you know a military martial song?

(image; Japanese military song lyrics book"Field Encampment song")

As for music, the newer the worse. Wynton marsalis is a reactionist in Jazz.Mariah carely sings boring songs now,although her early excellent times. Japan has already become a barren land. I have not listened to a music for a long time.
But, now I listen to music only to study foreign or old language. Then I became to have interest in other covered up music.
In fact,I discovered Military song is very interesting. We hardly listen to such a song. You may think Why ?
Because the vocabulary is quite different from the common song.
By the way, There are huge military lyrics in German. But mainly for social taboo, most of them are unknown now.( Famous"Lilly Marlene"was one of German military songs)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

All you want everyday isn't me.

(image; PARIS in early 1970')

You want a lot every day
There are always many things you need
You care about reciprocation
Upon the PC keyboard
You don't always want me for your own
Only less than I could ever know
Make your despair come false
All you want every day isn't me
This is a parody of famous song (Mariah Carely; All I want for Christmas is you). I used a simple way. That is replacing and reversing. Mathematically,it is called transformation.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Needless promotion does more harm than good

(illustrated by kingfisher; Stupid farmer pulls seedlings of the crops.)
historical event in china "Mencius"

Needless promotion does more harm than good.
Once upon a time in old china, there were a farmer and his son.
The farmer worried about the growth of seedlings. Because seedlings of the corps were in bad condition. He said to his son" I wish seedlings would grow well."
Farmer went to the farm,then pulled seedlings one after another. He thought this was what to do.
After all, the son was disappointed by his stupid father.
Depending on this event, old Chinese was saying"Needless promotion ,on the contrary,aggravates evils."

How music do you want to listen to now ?

Musics and songs often indicate the future social incident.
Depending on a old Chinese saying,whenever country falls into ruins, people would prefer obscene and depressive music.
In 1351 Imperial Mongol was assaulted by The Red Turban Army(It was also called white routas sect )
It is thought that the Red Turban Army spread propaganda for rebellion against Mongol by crafty popular song. The leader's mother was known as a blind musician. He took a chance and put the enemy to rout.After the death of the leader, "Zhu Yuanzhahang"lead The Red Turban Army. Mongol was ruined after all.But White Routas Buddists were suppressed by "Zhu Yuanzhang"(Hongwu Emperor)after that.
What does popular music indicate now? Is that some ominous?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

By the end of summer

(image;a raccoon dog as a common figure in Japanese scenery.RICOH GX200)
 How about this summer?
A melancholic summer
will end soon here.
I am a good-luck symbol,
Are you in misfortune any more?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Predator

(image; This praying mantis is eating the roubst cicada. Nikon f100 AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm F/2.8 IF-ED Kodak100)

Please look at pitiable cicada .
This praying mantis never release its game.
Although cicada gets bit its head,
It never stop singing.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Brave New World!

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio and filmmaker Sir Ridley Scott are to collaborate on a big-screen version of sci-fi classic Brave New World, it has been reported.

DiCaprio will produce and possibly star in the adaptation of Aldous Huxley's 1931 novel, a prophetic work set in a seemingly perfect 26th-Century world.

Sir Ridley, who worked with DiCaprio on Body of Lies last year, will direct the film, The Hollywood Reporter has said.(quoted BBC)
Why are we so stupid? This is the very "evolution" for mankind.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Right of registance and terrorism

I found that President Obama used the phrase quoted from "Mencius".
Mencius was a Chinese Confucian. To be different from other Confucianism, his theory is affirmative to revolution.
and insisted "right of resistance"of people against tyranny . Because this resistance is ordered by Heaven.
"Tenchu"(天誅)means punishment by heaven in Japan. This phrase is often used by persons who feel righteous indignation.(The famouse stealth game "Tenchu"is same meaning.)
In Japanese westernisation, these Confucian thinking came to combine with natural right which Locke or Rousseau emphasized in their works. But unfortunately, these thinking became to justify various terrorism.
"Showa-Ishin"was song for righteous indignation of young officers. Of course, this song was forbidden in public after February 26 incident.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

They are branted a traitor.

(movie; Showa-Isin song reproduction from Youtube)
February 26 incident is famous motif of novel and movie in Japan. Patriotic young officers rebelled against rich establishment because of their idealism and sympathy with the poor.
But they missed revolution. Emperor called them traitor.
 Lyrics to this song"Showa-Ishin" is very difficult Japanese.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Man can not know everything.

I think Hayek was sicked of Darwinism after all. Hayek came to Japan three times . And he debated with famous anti-Darwinism ecologist "Kinji Imanishi". Hayek confessed " I am not Darwinist" Imanishi said "Why don't you deny Darwinism same as Marx and Freud"? He avoided reply.
I have already got bored with "Darwinism "and "selfish gene(modern social Darwinism)"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

These questions can not be answered. Ikki Kita

(Left image; February 26 Incident coup de'tat in 1936)
To tell the truth, Kita is one of the most important persons to recognize Japanese modernism. His thinking embodied difficulty of Europeanism in asia. Although I don't adore his thinking and don't have so much interest with his works.
In Japan,"Ikki Kita"problem is social taboo.Mass media wouldn't deal with him.
He was executed as the mastermind of rebellion in 1937.This was February 26 incident.
To recognize Japan, Kita may be more important than Lady Murasaki.
By the way, Kita came to be as if a channeler with his wife "Suzu"at the end. He became a lotus sutra mystic

When Sarin gas attack on the tokyo subway happened in 1995, "Shoko Asahara" reminded me of Ikki Kita.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Social Darwinism is a Hard Problem.

(Above image;swallow's nest canon IXY digital 900IS)
Social Darwinism is a ideology, sense of value,and tough world view.
On the other hand,the appearance of this theory looked as if positive,scientific by pretending biology.
In fact, social evolutionism had appeared earlier than Darwinism. Harbert Spencer made up social Darwinism as if positive studies.
A Social Darwinism is very difficult to be proved it's false point. Because this theory often use selfjustifying tautology. Economist Hayek didn't applying Darwinism to economics. Because he thought Natural selection is obviously different from cultural evolution.
He thought the merit of free market system does not always depend on competitiveness too. Market system is based on complex tacit customs , and moreover it is based on far different scale from biological evolution. His studies itself was based on social evolutionism. But his evolutionism is almost same as empiricism or pragmatism. Man can only get wisdom from trial and error.His evolutionism is a method not answers .After all we absolutely will not recognize what is evolution.Because we cannot predict how unexpected twist will happen. He believed free market system can only enable people to get free(not always competitive) activity in open society.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Socialism is a social darwinism.

(left image; Ikki Kita Social philosopher 1883-1937)
Japanese often misunderstand social Darwinism. That is to say,market economy is under the law of the jungle,or Meritocracy is natural selection. As if free economy system were social Darwinism.
Before WWⅡ, There was a famous National Socialist "Ikki Kita(北一輝). He would imagine free competitive marriage system. He thought this would make social evolution. He was ultra right. He was known as one who was seriously influenced by Darwin in Japan.
Generally speaking, the socialists are influenced by Darwin on concern with not economy but family problem.
Of course, Darwinism itself is ,Whether his theory is right or not, biological science, not family system studies.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Where will conservatives go? Why socialism was dead?

(Left image; old elephant, kodak ekter100)
Socialism had failed to construct good society long
before. But Socialism used to be thought it making society better than old society. After all ,what was socialism ? If conservative fails to recognize this correctly, Conservatives will make same mistake.
Generally speaking, market oriented economists are saying right about economy system.
But I doubt that conservatives don't recognize other important problem.
Socialism depended on the false precondition about reproduction of family and marriage. Mainly in 19th century,early socialists claimed false theories about family and marriage. For example,they thought "in the primitive age or society, there were free and group marriage systems". Marxism was based on these but rejected free market system. Lately anthropologists convinced these were false theory.To be different from free market,Such marriage system can't exit anywhere.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It's tough being a machine."Iris murdoch"

I finished reading the book"the sacred and profane love machine"to the end.
Why does tragedy move emotion? Depending on Nietzsche, only tragedy can reveal the secret between humanity and nature.
However,this novel is not tragedy and psychological expression is light feeling and visual . the reader doesn't anticipate serious feeling for this novel.
It is intellectual and easy to read. This novelist is very crafty at composition.
This novel is entertaining and charactors are portrayed as it were real ,but the ending is so forced and sudden that reader may feel ill at ease.
Three women(Harriet,Emily,Pinn) are so unique each other, the writer made female charactors successfully,I thought.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Iris Murdoch"The sacred and profane love machine"

 Nowadays、especially adultery novel has been the most hackneyed category in various novels. Conflicts between Illusion for free love and idea of family value are indispensable preposition for such novels. "the sacred and profane love machine" may be a pessimistic work. It seems to be nearby disillusion for a love affair. I am always surprised by imagination of novelists, whether they are famous or not.
In Japan,Such illusions have already been nonsence. Reproduction of family faces to serious difficulty,and eschatology catches easily the young mind. After all adultery novel can only exit on a certain stable social background.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reading machine goes over "mid"Iris Murdock.

I have read a half of the book"The sacred and profane love machine"just now. Clumsy misfortune women are portraited delicately . Although my poor English skill, I am able to have sympathy with characters in this novel. I worry about how this story will end a bit.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Now,I am reading Iris murdock"The sacred and profane love machine"

Google blogger seems now to be in trouble. There is the notice on "Known issues for blogger "as follow." The Profile Browsing feature is currently not returning results when clicking through to certain items on a Blogger profile page. We're investigating and will report back with an update from our end shortly."
I am reading "The sacred and profane love machine" now. Generally speaking, Such story does not advance at all becouse of too much delicate portrait for characters, I have given up reading famouse Japanese classic "The tale Of Genji " long ago because of this reason.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Reading machine has a great patience to read the book.

(left image; symbol of the patience"Daruma",woodcarving)

To read the book sometimes needs a great patience. Especially, to read the book in which I don't have no interest.
English novels aren't my taste,so scarcely I read it,whether it is translated into Japanese or not .I have the book "Harry Potter"and"Christy"but I only watched it on the movies.
Now I decided to read "Iris Murdoch". I don't Know this writer at all. Only I brought it from junk wagon.
This novel doesn't sale now in Japan. it doesn't seem to be read by young people in Britain too. Wikipedia notes the novelist was influenced by Fleud and Sartre.

P.S I watched Iris murdoch Interview on Youtube.(literature and philosophy) I can understand why she separated literature from philosophy,but I can't easily understand how to separate imagination from fantasy. A literature would exist against common sense . I think this point still doesn't have changed.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Juvenile gesture for photograph in Japan

(left image; nikon d70)
This was the teenager who I didn't know at all. In Japan, Very often, juveniles make such gesture in front of camera. I wouldnt' do such a thing and couldn't sympathize.
I know the V-sign of Winston Churchill. It was "V" of the victory. This was obvious for me. But this photo is clearly the body-language only for photograph. Because this boy was suddenly taken photo by stranger (me) without any oral word.

Monday, July 6, 2009

How taste blossoms are?

( nikon d70 ;white eye,"Mejiro")
What does a wild birdie do everyday after all? whenever I see " white eyes", they flock to blossoms or fruits everyday everywhere.
People use the proverb" Same feather flock together."How can birdies recognize as a member of same group each other? I have no idea about it at all.
By the way ,In Germany, "Geschlecht" means both gender and race sometime generation or house.
That is to say, To recognize something as a same member and to make couple within the same group are equal each other.
In Japan , everyday, personificated explanations are applied to the animal behavior by the TV program. Are zoologist fairy writers? I often doubt they are not scientists.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Journey to "existence"

I finished reading the book"Journey to Ixtlan"to the end.
This story is written so crafty and details are vivid, it can be read without getting tired.
For my English skill, the style of expression is too redundant. It took four days for me to read it.
Only on my own viewpoint,not always
authorized,Heidegger(German philosopher ;existentialism) is closely similar to the way of the thinking of this book.
I thought the difference between "doing" and "not doing"is similar
to Heidegger's term;"sein in der welt"(being in the world).Depending on his philosophy, Human being exists in the tool system and Nature is inevitably looked to as a raw material.
In the scene of this novel, mood of fog ,rock and mountains impressed me. Because it reminded me Mt Osore in Japan. Famous female shaman (channeling) are doing their spiritual activity there.
Talking with coyote , it was "Stopping the World" , I thought the climax of this story was easy a little.

This summer must be hot.

(left image;nikkor AF VR 105mm micro Kodak100 , I don't know the name of this flower.)
Whether the earth will be hot or not, such a thing may not made me an agitator about global warming. Of course I have no opposing idea with keeping nature environment good. The story of global warming is look like Eschatology for me.This story may be The thermodynamical End of mankind. I am not Eschatologist.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

What is it helpful for?

(Left image; Hoe-shaped helmet crest ,stag beetle)
How many worthless things are there? Nature (or God)made strange insect.What on earth is Such helmet helpful for? This is only deceiving device isn't it.
Worthless,huge things are often called"Battleship Yamato"in Japan.
"It is nothing so good as look."or "That costs very expensive but in vain and so old fashioned."

Friday, July 3, 2009

Modeling technique2"Masakado"

(left image;平将門"Masakado Tairano"nikon d70 f8 paper clay color liquitex scale 1/8)

A thousand years ago, a samurai was only guard for a court noble. Japanese emperor had no troops at that time.
"Masakado" had the ambitious to be "New Emperor"
He attempted another Japan. and failed.
But He became a forerunner of samurai era.

Modeling technique depends on seeing object perfectly. By seeing many times to the same object, I recognize false point of my modeling, and reform it into right. But wood carving technique is different from clay modeling.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Please stop the world !

(nikon d70;common buzzard)

I threw many books away recently. I would get rid of a certain English book which I got for nothing and remained to be unread.
This book's author was "Carlos Castaneda" I didn't know the name at all. Before getting rid of this, I decided to read it a little.(JOURNEY TO IXITRAN)

I search "Carlos Castaneda"by wikipedia, and I discovered it recommended by "Sinichi Nakazawa" Who was The Most influence person in the spiritual boom in Japan. Now Many Japanese people remember his name with "Shoko Asahara".
I have no interest in so called"New Age"and "Spiritual". So whether Castaneda's story was a fiction or not ,either will do for me.
Subjective ego has been philosophical problem since modern age, and Metamorphosis of ego is a commonplace theme today too.