Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I may be frustrated as a reactionist. Because My sexuality has depended on other race unexpectedly. It can't be changed. A Ultra Nationalism can't exist in modern world. I was a boy of a xenophobia. But after all I must be a cosmopolitan now.
Thoughts often are caught in a trap and fail.
Democrats repeat cliche of progressive spell. But They can change nothing. They often destruct good customs rather than reform well. And they say to themselves"We had no intention to do such a thing.". They believe unquestioningly in "To alter is better than invariability."In fact a Democrat only wants to demolish anything of values indeed.
On the other hand, conservative seems to lose their ground now. A Free and Independent spirits became defending estate spirits. and they always are afraid of being a boor and a square. Generally they have the idea of good old things and respectable tradition. They discover nothing in such a thing after all. Because generally they are opportunist and regard the past or tradition convenient.
After Cold War, Nihilism and radical religion only remain.

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