Wednesday, November 25, 2009


November,25, 1970 famous novelist YUKIO MISHIMA died.Just it was 39years ago.His eccentric death is well known around the world still now.
His novels are worth to read now, so I read some Mishima works. Sometime I feel his works indicated the end of the modern novel.To live a comfortable life itself, didn't become a good motif of novels. The idea of "SUBLIME DEATH or SUICIDE FOR GREAT REASON" possessed his mind in stupid fruitless peaceful Japan. If a novelist suicide now, people won't pay attention to such a stupid affair. because a modern novelist can't seriously influence the reader now. Nowadays any novelist hardly surpass the reader without the publishing business. And moreover educated people come not to read the novels. Everyone can read and write and they are well-informed .but an intellectual became to be useless day by day.

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