Sunday, February 21, 2010

Traitors 1

(comic cover"IGANOKAGEMARU";cartoonist Yokoyama Mitsuteru 横山光輝1934-2004)
If there had been no traitor,we might not understand a history as a story or a legend.
Karl Marx brought the concept "A class struggle make history"up,In some meaning,it seems like the truth.
So,a treason is a core of nation history as a story.
I heard Osama Bin Laden branded Moderate Arabs Traitor,but according to his old career, he himself is the very traitor as anyone know.
There are many odd traitors in Japanese history too.
" Shosetsu Yui 由井正雪(1605-1651)"was one of such a traitors. He was teaching tactics at his private school and got an offer of a government post.His talent was outstanding.
But the shogunate had to forced many "Samurai(ruling class)"to give up his status at that time. So he masterminded lordless samurais to overthrow The shogunate.
After all his conspiracy failed. but this incident came to be told as a many entertaining story. Above image is very famous Ninja comic "Kagamaru Igano"(1961-1966)and this comic was modeled on this incident.

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