Thursday, February 11, 2010

Environmentalism,Left or Right?

Definition about political left and right is still vague.But this divide is common thinking in the world.And this is like nesting box.There is right sect in left and left sect in right.
Well, is an ecologist left or right?
Originally, environmentalism was left side. because environmental activism derived from communism and opposed against global capital or industry.
But now it is different from the former days. They don't always oppose to them,and common people agree with environmentalism itself.
So,Environmentalism is belong to Establishment now. and they often sponge even money off of some industries like a gangster. They insist not to change natural circumstances a bit.How conservative they are!
That is to say,A radical environmentalist is a FAR RIGHT HOOLIGAN. They will act just like a far right sooner or later. Be on the watch!

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