Saturday, February 27, 2010

Burning Books

Burning of the books and burial of scholars 焚書坑儒 is a phrase that refers to a sequence of events in the Qin Dynasty of Ancient China, between the period of 213 and 206 BCE.

And Emperor Qin Shi Huang(秦の始皇帝) regarded himself as the beginning of history.

Useless many intellectuals and books were a sign of the end of the world. and Burning of the books and burials of scholars was an Apocalypse for him. He needed only legalism(法家.Hen Fei Zi 韓非子)Scholar "Hen Fei" were trusted by the Emperor but he was executed too.
Chinese might think books represent a history. Burning architectures would have done well.
Someday Books will need burned too. Because a modern society is "The End of The History"now.

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