Friday, February 5, 2010

Inside Racism

(Hannah Arendt, philosophy Germany)
It is easy for people in modernized society to censure direct racism or naive discrimination. Sometime it means "sponge off"or”political threat".
Recently Japanese universities often make an essay examination from "Hannah Arendt". What does it mean?
I was surprised by her insight. and I came to be convinced as follows," The worst racism is to be done by the same race each other."and"urban, individualism, atomic and anonymous people caused FASCISM.
Japan has went through militarism.but it was far different from German fascism . There were no individualism in Japan at that time.
Conventional Asian farmers didn't think themselves supreme race at all.
What was such a racism? It was illusion of "pure race,Aryan".
Pure oriented person must eliminate impurities. therefor his sinister look is directed at impurities in the same race rather than other race. In fact,modern Japanese have these preconditions without EAST ASIAN.
Recently the term"Genetic pollution" is often used in Japan. Some biologists say "As for Genetic Pollution, I associate Nazism." It sounds like biological purism. Nazi racism is the very biological purism.

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