Friday, March 5, 2010

Zeno's paradox

I sometimes use sophistry.Of course, it is a bad habit. We shouldn't mislead others by fallacy.
Well,do you know "Achilles and the Tortoise" ? The quickest runner "Achilles" can't overtake the slowest Tortoise. Whenever Achilles reached the point where Tortoise started from,Tortoise already advanced ahead of Achilles. So Achilles never pass Tortoise.
Shall I apply this to "deficit never surpass solvency"
 Anybody think this conclusion is false.But It is difficult to prove this false.
I found many students couldn't do division by time.To prove this false needs  understanding division by time and convergence.
"Achilles and tortoise converge same point  on same time ."
Can you understand?

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