Sunday, March 7, 2010

Negative thinking

Surely,an abnormal person exists(pentagon shooter).
Please let me define "Negative thinking"as "a way of thinking without certificate or positivism"in this post. This usage is referenced to C.G Jung.  Of course This is difference from common use.
 A lunatic often is a person who has a way of thinking like this.
All things in the universe can be explained by Conspiracy theory.For example,whatever you see, someone prearranged or it is no doubt for some mastermind to conspire demolishing "Twin Tower".
This type of negative thinking often obsesses a lunatic.
In addition to Conspiracy theory,Radio wave theory sometimes control negative thinking persons too. Such a person receives some electric wave in a hallucination.and he is driven to make trouble by the wave.Suddenly he shouts" I've received a radio wave now."
 Formerly,TV comedian sometimes would play lunacy and say "I've received a radio wave"in Japan,but it is unable to be done now because of a protest of human rights associations.
Once to be obsessed by Negative thinking,it is hard to escape from it without others aid.

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