Sunday, March 28, 2010

How does a person become an adult?

Nowadays, to use a word"Adult" needs to be careful. It means almost "things which law forbids a child ".I wonder when it became so.
Formally It meant having an career and preparing for marriage. but now nobody seems to use it as  such meaning. I come not to hear "You are a grown-up,aren't you".Nobody can't know What is to be an adult.
 well,I try to define it as follows.
An adult wash his hands after using bathroom.
An adult don't pick up magazines  remained on the road.
 An adult don't read a comic book.
An adult mustn't say to a bride "Congratulations !"at the wedding party.
An adult woman mustn't be a dog in the manger to more pretty young girl than herself.
An adult blogger posts comments after he read the blog exactly. 
An adult mustn't take it on others when his favorite baseball team lose a game.
An adult subordinate can put up with a boring preaching of his boss.
An adult dog don't cling to a lady.
I may be told by someone"You are still child."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Man can't avoid trouble. Nietzsche and I.

My writing often depends on Nietzsche.But of course, I don't recommend his way of life to you. His life was an experiment and politely going off the rail as a path of life.
I have had many troubles until now,and they were the things I had imagined at the time of teen age at all. Troubles truly showed many possibilities of man, and I realized some common nuance of unfair and dishonest.  These experiences lead me Nietzsche's books.
 He was sure some scandal against the modern people.He maybe too honest to flatter others. He must couldn't endure dishonest characteristics of modern people.

 For him, Christianity was only a supporter for modernism too.So his critics to Christianity meant a secularization of religions was a typical bad nihilism.
 By the way, There was a famous Nietzsche's translator"Michio Takeyama竹山道雄"in Japan before WW2 and after the war.He was a German literature teacher. and his many students died in war, and He wrote the famous novel"Harp of Burma".It became movies some times.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No news is good news

Now I have no interests with news in the world because I am very busy.By the way,It is good for a workman to hear no news about what he did.If there are news about his workmanship,they are often bad news and he will be condemned for his bad workmanship.
 Please forgive my laziness to writing."No news is good news"

Fear Industry

To take advantage of a weakness is often to bring about a tragic incident. Medical industry is a typical FEAR INDUSTRY.Fear for health is a weakness all people have.
  Why fear industries can make much money? The answer is simple. Because too many people pay money by their threats. The more threat, the more money,that's a fear industry.
  To watch old Japanese movie, "YAKUZAヤクザ(Gangster)"often threat quiet citizens and they escalate their request on the pretext to keep peace. The more quiet citizens are, the more escalation they have. The weakness of citizens is a mind to avoid trouble itself.
After all someone on the side of citizens burst his outrage.and it finally to come blood rain.

Monday, March 22, 2010

An Oversupply Destory The Society

I have no time to follow the medical insurance issue in U.S(Many Japanese show much interests with this too.)I only heard that medical cost is incredibly expensive in U.S because the medical profession is  oversupplied.
An insurance depends on the invisible social reliance.But this oversupply seems to damage fundamental elements of social reliance. Modern society has no way to resolve this problem yet.Economics may be useless.A doctor is too clever to compete with low price each other.An oversupply of profession is essentially exception of market balance.Market can't reduce the amount of the medical profession.An oversupply does more harm than good.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The line's busy.

Once,a telephone operator used to connect lines whenever people called someone.And if the receiver was occupied by the other caller, then the operator would said"The line's busy".Off such a thing is not done.
 "This line is busy"seems difficult to be translated into Japanese. Once Japanese American operators often said from US to Japan in Japanese"Sen ga isogasi( The line works hard at it)"This"busy"means "occupied".It was one of strange Japanese phrases.
(This photo was taken at AT&T office in early70's )

Monday, March 15, 2010

I am very busy now.

I am very busy now. So,my original writing will stop for the time being.
Please,look forward my posting soon later.Thank you for your reading.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Born to be Child

This land is a heaven for children. If you are a child, all you have to do is what you want to do.Politicians are all children too.Even a manager of TOYOTA car shop is a child.What a generous!I heard gavernment of this land give much money to children.Of course,If you become adult,You shall pay off huge amount of national deficit.Naturally,all people don't want to be an adult.This land is such a land that CHILDREN HAVE THEIR BABIES.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Healthy Imperial Force.

To be unhealthy is a criminal in this land. Saying precisely,to make an effort to be healthy is a sacred obligation. People in this empire shall devote themselves to lead all person to awake the supremacy of health. In this land,the earth must be healthy too.Because Even the earth is an maidservant for the glory of HEALTH.They say always
"We were born to be healthy, So We don't mind doing any job for health." 
There are many unhealthy enemies in this world. The healthy warriors in this land shall battle against an unhealthy invader.
They pledge"We will be healthy KAMIKAZE to eliminate any unhealthy menace.
In this land,even Kamikaze pilot must take care of his own health just before the suicide attack and then they TAKE OFF.
There is no way for a fool to correct his own stupidity without death

Friday, March 12, 2010

Early Cherry Blossom

(Early cherry blossom ;Nikon D80 SigmaDC18-200mmF3.5-6.3D)

The nearby cherry blossom already blooms now.This is an early variety.
As for cherry blossom,it has been sung in many popular songs inJapan.  "Seiko Matsuda松田聖子"'s song is well known. Old military song"Cherry blossoms in the same class同期の桜Douki no sakura"is very famous.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Naked Ape

Desmond Morris(zoology,UK) is famous for "Naked Ape".There is another book"Man watching"written by him. It was used as a language text in English class in my University. It was described the analysis of non-verbal communication. It bored me so much that
I looked for the other book to know what person he was.The book"Naked Ape" already had been in my room.I didn't only find it.Because my room was too messy.
I found a zoology is quite tedious at that time although animal watching was fun it self.He only replaced a man to an ape and described it like Freudian.My negative point of view to a zoology arose for the first time.What to be taught in school, doesn't have always positive effect. If the text  had not been used in English class,I couldn't have known even the existence of a zoology.
"Man is not a Naked Ape,but an ape with underpants on"Some Japanese anthropological economist (Shinichiro,Kurimoto,栗本慎一郎)said about this. I prefer this opinion.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Praying to the Ass

Japanese proverb says   
Even the head of a sardine can be a charm against evil if you believe in it.鰯の頭も信心から.
Recent environmentalism seems to be such a thing. In the last part of "thus spoke Zarathustra" the superior humans are praying and speak to the ass. This may be a ridiculous but humorous trap which anybody might fall into. The Ektenia is prayed to the ass by them in "thus spoke Zarathustra"but the ass in response brayed only Yea-Ah every time.
 Well, this word"ass"is often used as an obscene meaning. I don't know where this meaning derived from at all. So,if someone say "praying to the ass", he might be looking in the wrong direction.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It is infectious.

Famous king "Ludwig Ⅱ"was famous for his mental illness. Moreover it was a terrible fact that his doctor in charge became a patient like the king after all. A man has no ground of normality in himself,So It is probable to say "Who keeps company with the wolf learn how to howl"about insanity too.(reffering to Jaccques Lacan;France Psychoanalysis)

Saying from the other side,a crazy may have a deep influence to the other.This is so-called"There's only slight difference between a crazy and a genius.天才と気違いは紙一重。”in Japan.Who thinks by a different way to others, may be by the border of sane. Nietzsche became a lunatic at last too.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cuckoo's Nest

 A cuckoo don't make it's own nest.
I wondered what "Cuckoo's nest"means. I've not watched the movie titled this words yet.
 A shrike makes it's own nest diligently
and hatch a cuckoo's chick.
Nesting season will come soon.
Are you wondering whether I am normal ?
Of course, Yes,"NORMAL".

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Negative thinking

Surely,an abnormal person exists(pentagon shooter).
Please let me define "Negative thinking"as "a way of thinking without certificate or positivism"in this post. This usage is referenced to C.G Jung.  Of course This is difference from common use.
 A lunatic often is a person who has a way of thinking like this.
All things in the universe can be explained by Conspiracy theory.For example,whatever you see, someone prearranged or it is no doubt for some mastermind to conspire demolishing "Twin Tower".
This type of negative thinking often obsesses a lunatic.
In addition to Conspiracy theory,Radio wave theory sometimes control negative thinking persons too. Such a person receives some electric wave in a hallucination.and he is driven to make trouble by the wave.Suddenly he shouts" I've received a radio wave now."
 Formerly,TV comedian sometimes would play lunacy and say "I've received a radio wave"in Japan,but it is unable to be done now because of a protest of human rights associations.
Once to be obsessed by Negative thinking,it is hard to escape from it without others aid.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Greek crisis may be a bad omen.

There is no sirious problem than a national bond in the world now. Japanese governmental deficit already have become the precarious day-to-day management.Great part of U.S national bonds came to depend on China. Greek crisis undermines E U collaboration.
A value of National bond depends on the credit to government and all the time to have the confidence in a government,a collapse can be avoided.
Learning history, governmental crisis often occurred after a financial crisis.Historical  sequence of  political terrors often had  such a background.The most famous incident was Nazi-Germany. A political terror is Hitler's usual practice.At the same time many terrors to politicians and business tycoons broke out in Japan.
Jumping from this topic to the other, I assume "Stupid wall" may have something to do with these problem."Stupid wall"have been already written in this blog.(please refer to the labels.).If I were requested to comment about Japanese politics,I would to say"Japanese politicians never listen to what others say."
This tendency began from the ex-prime minister"Junichirou Koizumi " 2001. He was the very man who never listen to others.But this is a bad tradition in Japan.Japanese terrorists often said"No more discussion!(MONDOU MUYO問答無用)".For them,a language was only a Junk tool.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Zeno's paradox

I sometimes use sophistry.Of course, it is a bad habit. We shouldn't mislead others by fallacy.
Well,do you know "Achilles and the Tortoise" ? The quickest runner "Achilles" can't overtake the slowest Tortoise. Whenever Achilles reached the point where Tortoise started from,Tortoise already advanced ahead of Achilles. So Achilles never pass Tortoise.
Shall I apply this to "deficit never surpass solvency"
 Anybody think this conclusion is false.But It is difficult to prove this false.
I found many students couldn't do division by time.To prove this false needs  understanding division by time and convergence.
"Achilles and tortoise converge same point  on same time ."
Can you understand?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Portrait of Democrat Teacher 2

  Do you know"the Pythagorean theorem." Everyone who wasn't good at Math,Please forgive me. This theorem is"A×A+B×B=C×C,
This equation holds water in any right-triangles."There was an odd mathematics teacher who took  half  a year to teach this theorem. He had such the belief " Every student has his equal ability to any other."and"No matter what,you mustn't say Women are not good at mathematics."These were his AXIOMS.

 Until the most poor student understand it,nothing made progress."A=3,B=4,C=5, then A×A +......"Same explanation repeated endlessly.Of course I studied mathematics by myself,and sometimes fell asleep.But this temporary delay ended at last.This teacher quitted my class  because of teacher trouble.

 By the way,Far right is a natural enemy to Democrat teachers in Japan.Every year the conference of teachers union hold in Japan somewhere.and many far right propaganda vehicles come there and activists shout terrific
loudly"Nikkyoso Bokoku日教組亡国" (the Japan teachers union treasonaous)in Kamikaze style.Nobody can forget this terrible disgusting sounds rather than the conference.
......(image;Japanese far right )

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Portrait of Democrat Teacher 1

When I was a Junior high school student,there was a teacher who was very friendly but had never influence on me.
He used to teach World History, Seeing him at the first,I questioned him about the book"Weimar Republic"which I was reading at that time.
Of course I was treated like an excellent student.
He eagerly criticized a family system on his odd sociology.
He said that Family system caused all social discrimination. I didn't want to submit myself to my parent like an old Japanese too.
Suddenly he said to me "I am not satisfied by only one wife, we should enjoy our life much more. you know?"
I had to pretend to be a naive boy and replied." I hate such an obscene thought."He laughed cheerfully"You are still a child .haw-haw"
Almost students had no interests in a world history,So He often seemed frustrated.
He spoke passionately about The Bastille or Latin America, But nobody would listened to him without me.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An Incomprehensible Phrase

Bible's phrase"Happy are those who know those are spiritually poor......."Do you know the meaning of this?
Any explanation don't satisfy me.In fact ,I have heard this phrase is not "Happy are those who know..."but "Happy are those who are spiritually poor"in Greek.Japanese translated Bible is often described so. To be short,this phrase doesn't mean "You ought to be aware of impiety."Some Japanese editions are described as following expression" Happy are those Who has no support without God."
"It's OK to be spiritually poor"I think so for the time being. Modern age people are overly self-conscious.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Fraud and The Last Man

A crafty fraud is sure to look a stupid person.Clever citizens don't trust a man of intelligent.He has a face to look common,but nobody can remember his face. He knows many details of things very much, but truly know nothing at all.A smart person is tricked by himself and jump to a conclusion.Such his one-sided belief is an ideal job for a fraud.
This is a classic type of a fraud. A calculating bourgeois is neatly taken in.
In modern society, A person to trick is not the bourgeois but The Last man. The Last Man doesn't calculate.
He is discreet,but indecisive.He believes in modernistic justice( equal rights, opportunity justice,so on)but won't fight for the justice. Only principal which he is subject to follow,is to behave same as others do after all.
A Modern Fraud might be an agitator. He may instigate a flock of sheep to dash outside the green ranch. He is familiar with kindling a fire. He may be an arsonist rather than a fraud.Anybody dash outside if their homes are burned.and he reaps a fruit of confusion.Such a fraud may be a little man and have a loud voice. Because anything without a loud voice mustn't be conspicuous.
(The Last Man;Thus spoke Zarathustra ,Friedrich Nietzsche)