Monday, July 12, 2010

Kudzu New Deal

  There is a long history of people's life with Kudzu green in Japan. The nature of Japan is almost jungle differently from other areas in East Asia. Kudzu is such a representaion as a Japanese nature. Japanese Imperial Army was also tough in Jungle battle.
By the way, It is so dreadful that such Kudzu is covering over the south in America. In Japan, Kudzu must be cut as soon as to find it.
 Why is Such Kudzu growing in the south in America? The Answer is "F.D.R are responsible for this disaster."Depending on Wikipedia, The Civilian Conservation Corps was established by F.D.R, and Kudzu was planted around on the ruining land by it's activity.
 This was "Green New Deal" in the past .and Now it become "Kudzu New Deal."

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