Saturday, June 26, 2010

White Supremacist, You've got it all wrong about Nazism.

I have no interest in racism. Therefore I have not heard what white supremacist insisted. On the other, Nazism is still important issue for my reading and thinking..So I have get the book"Liberal Fascism ;Jonah Goldberg"just now. I will write simple critic after I finish to read it.

By the way,I knew the existence of "White Supremacist"but I didn't know how they are. By chance ,
I 'v got known how they are. When I answered about "National Socialism"for some U.S conservative blogger, some follower taught me about "White supremacist".He answered "They believed in Bible. Of course their doctrine or credo is completely false."

  Nazism was composed of childish worldview and coherency on the complex background. One of important doctrines was eugenics. Leaders of Nazis was obsessed by the idea of "Reforming Race" and moreover, They used the pagan symbol "SWASTIKA(Sanskrit)"it originated in Buddhism or Hindi. And then they had much interest in Asian Buddhism.

To be short, Nazism itself was almost Atheism,
although Hitler didn't deny the authority of church,and sometime made use of Christianity,
(Some religious scholars point out "Buddhism seems to be Atheism")
.Nazism theory originated in non- christian philosophy and most influential philosophies in German 20th century (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Schopenhauer,Wittgenstein,Freud,Darwin,Marcuse ...) were non-Christian philosophies. Needless to say,20th century was "The death of God (Nietzsche)"indeed.

Hitler hated Jews, and even white German was pushed into the gas chamber.on the other hand he had no interest in black people and sometime flattered or look down Japanese.
To be quite different from white supremacist,Nazis had friendly relation with Iranian Muslim(Iran means "Aryan"and some Neo-nazi groups support Iran)  He wanted only to make German pure excellent race"Aryan".But,THE"ARYAN" was only a illusion.

How odd white supremacists are! They adore Adolf Hitler.

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