Friday, June 11, 2010


As for Greece (financial crisis happened ) , Famous painter "El Greco(Es)" meant "The Greek". Once a man see to his works, the strong impression might possess his mind. Flamboyant and deformed figures have something to debauch although religious paintings.
There was nothing abnormality in his carrier.I think he was gifted but a common person. This is the very difference from the character of his paintings.The way to draw made the effective expression. Would I copy the style well?
Historical style like "El Greco" is called "Manierisme"now. By the way, his son tried to be a painter like his father, but failed after all. Even for his son,to imitate the style was too difficult,wasn't it?(I referred to the book " 1911, Greco or the Secret of Toledo;Author Maurice Barrèshis)

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