Saturday, June 5, 2010

Being honest or Missing a good chance

(Tortoise;Pentax67,smc135mm,Macrof/4;Electronic flash,Metz36C-2)
 A tortoise lives a long life.To live a long life,man has got many shame.To be honest may be dishonor for the time being,but To tell a lie might be a life long dishonor.
Well,Japanese prime minister Hatoyama resigned. Ex-prime minister Shinzo Abe(LDP) criticized  Hatoyama"He is as if like a marriage swindler."It was a nice sarcasm. To tell the truth honestly might make a person angry and miss a good chance, So, many Japanese often believe in "To lie crafty is better than to be honest and clumsy. especially to girls.(Hatoyama told a lie to female minister Fukusima and lost his post .)
As for Oil spill accident, BP seems too defensive to solution the problem, Even when crisis happen like this, is to prepare for the suit  more important than honestly?
I hope such a thing won't continue any more.

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