Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ready To Leave The Nest

(Nikkor AF-S VR Micro 105mm;Nikon D80)

Young swallows are already too big to remain in the nest now.

Swallows are master plasterers. They make their nest of mud like plaster.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


I wonder why white supremacist is not Holocaust affirmative but denial. Even they admit things like Holocaust are wrong and criminal against humanism.
 I assume they are a kind of communitarian. They looks like "virtual tribalism".I am sure Nazism or Communism appeal to nostalgia for tribal community.
19th century, White supremacy was a bad common sense in Europe. Therefor, they didn't have something to do for their supremacy at that time.

White Supremacist, You've got it all wrong about Nazism.

I have no interest in racism. Therefore I have not heard what white supremacist insisted. On the other, Nazism is still important issue for my reading and thinking..So I have get the book"Liberal Fascism ;Jonah Goldberg"just now. I will write simple critic after I finish to read it.

By the way,I knew the existence of "White Supremacist"but I didn't know how they are. By chance ,
I 'v got known how they are. When I answered about "National Socialism"for some U.S conservative blogger, some follower taught me about "White supremacist".He answered "They believed in Bible. Of course their doctrine or credo is completely false."

  Nazism was composed of childish worldview and coherency on the complex background. One of important doctrines was eugenics. Leaders of Nazis was obsessed by the idea of "Reforming Race" and moreover, They used the pagan symbol "SWASTIKA(Sanskrit)"it originated in Buddhism or Hindi. And then they had much interest in Asian Buddhism.

To be short, Nazism itself was almost Atheism,
although Hitler didn't deny the authority of church,and sometime made use of Christianity,
(Some religious scholars point out "Buddhism seems to be Atheism")
.Nazism theory originated in non- christian philosophy and most influential philosophies in German 20th century (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Schopenhauer,Wittgenstein,Freud,Darwin,Marcuse ...) were non-Christian philosophies. Needless to say,20th century was "The death of God (Nietzsche)"indeed.

Hitler hated Jews, and even white German was pushed into the gas chamber.on the other hand he had no interest in black people and sometime flattered or look down Japanese.
To be quite different from white supremacist,Nazis had friendly relation with Iranian Muslim(Iran means "Aryan"and some Neo-nazi groups support Iran)  He wanted only to make German pure excellent race"Aryan".But,THE"ARYAN" was only a illusion.

How odd white supremacists are! They adore Adolf Hitler.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I haven't known about Sweden at all until now. 1

Japanese prince went to Sweden to attend the wedding party of Swedish princess. BP's CEO is a Swedish. So,I surveyed some materials about Sweden. I watched "Tony Hayward Hearing" His word" small people" made American anger.Some media used the title with him" The most hated person in America" By the way, I discovered Swedish comment about this in Wall Street Journal. He commented " Swedish often misuse  "small".Hayward was sure to use the word "small" as follows."We care about people who are at a loss and helpless against disaster ".

Give a simple conclusion.

  1. Swedish often misuse the word "small" in English.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Japanese Fascists Love Sweden.

I know a little about Sweden. One of my few knowledges about Sweden, is the fact that one of "ABBA"members was born in"Lebensborn"(It was established by SS) Many Japanese misunderstand about"Free Sex country" It must not be "Anyone can have it with whoever you like."But Japanese often think Sweden so. Of course It means "Gender Free"or"Whether You are male or female, either will do."
Well, Japanese Fascists reffer to Sweden very often. They seems to think "Japan must to be the Land just like Sweden." Sweden ,it is Japanese Fascist's ideal land.
  Before the war, Japanese Fascist expected Germany. especially Army was so. firstly it modeled French. Imperial Navy had no interest in Germany so much.To be different from U.S, Japanese didn't know Mussolini so much.
After War, Japanese Fascist changed to be Pro-American and conservative. And Socialism came to be powerful.
 But Socialism reduced the power gradually.and New type Fascism emerged. "Liberal Fascism".
New type Fascists prefer to destroy a family. And if they were right,Children should  be standardized by their sex education under the pretext of equality of the sexes. Liberal Fascism politics  is the very example of "bio-politics" Michel Foucault (French philosopher)pointed out.
By the way, Foucault famous work " Madness and Civilization" was written in Uppsala, Sweden.
 Many conservators in Japan feel unpleasant whenever Liberal Fascists refer to Sweden.

 Please forgive me if Swedish people feel unpleasant to my blog. I almost know nothing about Sweden.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Speculation will destroy a government finace.

How dreadful it is! Speculation will force government surrender.Of course, the crisis
was mainly caused by huge amount of deficit, but another bomb are looming. CDS(credit default swap) is a mass destruction weapon"I have heard just now. Speculators can take a chance in the national misfortunes by CDS. People start to talk about the next"Will it be  Portugal or Italy?"
 German government are desperately defending Greek national bond against CDS investors,but It may be vain. Perhaps German banks will lose much assets again like the lehman shock.

Friday, June 11, 2010


As for Greece (financial crisis happened ) , Famous painter "El Greco(Es)" meant "The Greek". Once a man see to his works, the strong impression might possess his mind. Flamboyant and deformed figures have something to debauch although religious paintings.
There was nothing abnormality in his carrier.I think he was gifted but a common person. This is the very difference from the character of his paintings.The way to draw made the effective expression. Would I copy the style well?
Historical style like "El Greco" is called "Manierisme"now. By the way, his son tried to be a painter like his father, but failed after all. Even for his son,to imitate the style was too difficult,wasn't it?(I referred to the book " 1911, Greco or the Secret of Toledo;Author Maurice Barrèshis)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How one becomes what one is.

Antipathy toward social group or community which submit a lonely spirits to belong to,has been an important but negative motivation to critical thinking. Nietzsche disliked German people although he was a German.He wrote a lot of sarcasms toward Germans in his works.
  China thinker Confucius was an ancient Chinese and a traveler through his life as a thinker. Whom his negative critics were against, were Chinese people or governors at that time.
This make it difficult and troublesome to read classics. Lonely alienated reader might feel a sympathy with such a writer and touching classics will give readers consolations."Nobody admire me,but there is my friend in classics." Such the way of reading is fruitless indeed.
 The value of reading classics is to learn style of writing or speaking. I wasn't ashamed of being a copy-cat.Originality,It's only a myth.Copyright should be more loose in the IT era. To copy a good phrase is better than to console oneself.I believe" To copy a style is more difficult than to copy meanings."(Norinaga Motoori 本居宣長 Scholar 1730-1801)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Being honest or Missing a good chance

(Tortoise;Pentax67,smc135mm,Macrof/4;Electronic flash,Metz36C-2)
 A tortoise lives a long life.To live a long life,man has got many shame.To be honest may be dishonor for the time being,but To tell a lie might be a life long dishonor.
Well,Japanese prime minister Hatoyama resigned. Ex-prime minister Shinzo Abe(LDP) criticized  Hatoyama"He is as if like a marriage swindler."It was a nice sarcasm. To tell the truth honestly might make a person angry and miss a good chance, So, many Japanese often believe in "To lie crafty is better than to be honest and clumsy. especially to girls.(Hatoyama told a lie to female minister Fukusima and lost his post .)
As for Oil spill accident, BP seems too defensive to solution the problem, Even when crisis happen like this, is to prepare for the suit  more important than honestly?
I hope such a thing won't continue any more.