Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why Does UK Want To Exit The EU?

 British prime minister David Cameron has promised a referendum on whether country will stay in the EU, or not.

 Intellectuals who believed in the European Union are usually leftists in America and Japan. But European countries have various anti-EU political groups, and they are not always the Right or conservatives.

 The idea of the EU is very attractive for some Japanese Leftists, and they associate the EU with the progressive, liberal, equal rights as an European values. At the same time, Japanese liberals have often a romantic image and inferiority complex to an European.

 American conservatives often dislike the EU. Because it is a symbol of collectivism and secularism. They have usually very cynical opinions to the EU, and the points in critics are clear.

 The EU system is too complicated for me to grasp and asses. Where  does the EU go? I have no idea.

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