Wednesday, December 12, 2012

North Korea's Long Range Missile Will Change U.S.Policy

  North Korea successfully launched a long range missile today. What a seirous news! Many newsmedia persons underestimated North Korea's technical ability to  launch long range ballistic missiles. If North Korea hadn't the ability of ICBM, we could avoid a military resort against North Korea. So they hoped it's failure, and rather assumed North Korea  was due to fail to launch in their mind.

 Iran and North Korea allies for a nuke weapon development, and apparently the world military situation enter into the new phase. They can threat western countries or Israel and U.S. by their nukes.

 Solution without military options might be impossible. Economical sanctions are over. It has already proved rather hazardous to depend upon economical sanctions and diplomatic negotiations.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Korea, Gilded But Inwardly Rotten

There is no more problematic country than Korea in the view of it's history.  Their modernization and independence wasn't attained by myself, so they depressed the fact under the subconsciousness.  To be the fact, Korean hasn't known the essence of modernization yet. 

   People who knows nothing about fundamentals of everything, is always very snobbish and delirious. and NOW Korean are  infamous for prostitution and racism against black people in the world, although they has been  condemning PAST Korean console women hired by Japanese Army and discrimination in Japan.  

   The prosperity of Korean economy has depended on Japan, but now they are about to abandon the obligation. Takeshima problem is only the beginning. 

  The more scarcity in the mentality Korean feel , the more vanity compensate for it.  The recent forgery of Lee Myung-bak might be the beginning of the end of gilded Korean history.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Golden Age Of Pop Music

  Music sales have fallen dramatically and music business is in a predicament. What's wrong?  I splurged much money for modern Jazz, but I hardly listen to even it now.  A heyday of pop music had already gone long time ago.   New faces on a music billboard in apple store don't look so attractive and the trial listening disappointed me anytime. After all I look for old hit songs.  History never repeats itself. The Golden Age of Pop Music won't come again.

 Well,  I used to listen to soul music. Now I sometimes listen to 60's France Gall.  She hardly sang  in English, although she sang her repertoires  in German and Japanese.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Will Turkey Go To War With Syria?

  Now, Many people might afraid of the next phase in the middle east. Syria have already declared "Total War" and shot down Turkish warplane.  Turkey is mobilizing and assembling it's military troops near the Syrian Border.     
 Turkey is a member of NATO, and it's air force is the most powerful in NATO.   But Syria has the crafty defense system, so Turkish air attack against Syria might get many damages. If Turkey enter the war, Hezbollah will inevitably attack Lebanon, and Israeli will be dragged into the battle. After this, Shiite Armageddon might be looming.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Why Does Syria Matter?

 Syria seems to be plunged into a terrible war. Bloods seep into a ground from fallen citizens . Many horrible scenes were captured , and they are on air in the world. I'd rather be bored or thrilled  than feel sympathy with uprisings in Middle East.
  I live in Japan, and almost people might have nothing to do with Syria.  Of course I can do nothing definite for Syrian people.
  What is the reason why peoples in the other nations feel so much care?  Is a sublime felling of ethic or humanism? Perhaps "No".  Inquisitive and curious mind? "Yes all right."
 If unconsciousness is connected with  a world changing or happenings, it is quite natural that we feel much care or fear about world misery. Because we watch the scary footage as a reflection of ourselves on TV news.
   I have just reminded the famous novel "For Whom The Bell Tolls" This is story about "Spanish civil war" Spanish Civil War incurred Nazi's Military intervention after all. That was a beginning of rising Hitler power. Assad might looks as if he were Franco in Spanish civil war.
   Syrian matter, it matters for thee.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Non Compos Mentis ,Breivik

 Japanese law system is a written law system. Especially, the criminal law is based on exact  written statutes. Every legal punishment needs satisfying conditions that a crime and it's assessment are defined by written law beforehand. And statutes concerned are ready for various cases. These systems like Japanese law, generally are called the continental law system, which are discerned from common law system.

  In Japanese criminal code 39 clause provides "not guilty by the reason of insanity". Crazy, lunatic person has no ability to take responsibility for his act. He is regarded being ill of mind rather than a criminal. Origin of this principle in Japanese law system is very old, "Yoro statutes (AD 718)"provided insanity clauses.  In Meiji era, Japan reformed law system, but insanity still remained to be legislated. 1891,in Otsu, Russian prince was stabbed by young lunatic man. Japanese government apologized Russia ,and made insanity clauses concerned.

  Non compos mentis is a legal term, meaning "mentally having no capability of managing one's own affairs". Norwegian massacre incident last year, it was scary event, and the defender Beirvik's attorney alleged insanity, and he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Usually a trial like this case is impossible. He could have avoid the trial. But Breivik trial began.

  Depending about reported details about him, probably he is suffering from serious mental disease. "Not guilty by the reason of insanity", this phrase must made Norwegian outrage. Judges might be very afraid to be condemned. Although his testimonies are crazy,and dreadful, but his opinions are coherent, and indicating  weak points  in our normal world. But this is a typical pattern of insanity crime.

 Judges won't be able to find a moderate reason to blame him for. Should he be charged in mental clinic before the tragedy? If he had been charged, the massacre wouldn't have happened. And then , mental hygienic authorities might be blamed for their negligence. After all , he will  be punished not for his act but for his dangerous spirit. He should be erased in our memories.

 In fact ,Since 1980's, insanity problems like Breivik incident, have refrained many times. and many people were dead.  1989, Tsutomu Miyazaki incident was one of these insanity crime too. 
After uproar and sensationalism in TV news,  What changed?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ring Of Fire ,Annual Solar Eclipse

Today, I successfully took a photo of the annual solar eclipse in Kanagawa, Japan am 7:34.
It was cloudy, but eclipse was visible. Soon later, it will be seen in a part of North America.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Heil Heidegger

Heidegger, Martin. Do you know this German Philosopher's name?  You might know something about Plat,Kant , Marx , Freud, Nietzsche, so on. But Heidegger is not known so well among people.
 In 20th century, He is estimated as the most influential philosopher among Japanese scholars. In spite of high reputations in France or Japan, his name is not so famous even in Germany.
(Victor Farias,Heideger and Nazism)

 Though his book"Being and Time(Sein und Zeit)" is too difficult to be read without sleeping. his eccentric phrases must obsess readers. He  insists "As for being itself, we have all forgotten this basic problem. Existence itself is not obvious."

When the terror incident occurred in Japanese subway,1995 ,I realized the seriousness of a fact that Heidegger had existed  itself .  His idea contained essentially the terrorism against Western civilization.

I found Jonah Goldberg had written about Heidegger three years ago.(an author of the book "Liberal Fascism")

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Judo France

Hollande or Sarkozy? French presidential runoff is coming soon. By the way, I have tried Judo long ago, but I gave up it at once. Why does French like such the clingy sports? Once Salkozy mocked Sumo, and Japanese Sumo association canceled French titled prize as a protest.  French must be clingy person. and might... I'm too. I heard from a German  "French is very very clingy". Now Judo is no less a French martial Arts than a Japanese budo..
 Well,  depending on American conservatives, Islamic power is bringing devastating changing over Europa. Nordic country will become a Islam country from a welfare country because of their difference of birth rates. French presidential election came to be moved by "Far Right". Le Pen is neglected among medias but she famous even in Japan too. She might be True Winner.  A Japanese Budo like Judo has some aptitudes of politically right. In occupied Japan under America, Judo was banned because of it's nationalism. In France, subconsciously  Judo might be anti-Islamic identity too.
 Can I see both presidential candidates try to handle the "Newaza"( pinning attack or throttle technique)?

 American conservatives often speak ill of French, but I had not so sympathy with them. I respect  French philosophy and enjoy France Gall, and Paris is the best city I want to go in the world.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


 Soon an annular eclipse of the sun will  be seen in many area of the world.  If it isn't obscured by clouds, I will see it May.21in my area.
 As for Eclipse, Mitsubishi motor company had discontinued it's coupe "Eclipse" last year. I can't understand why it had such the name. But Mitsubishi motor company was eclipsed. Probably,it maybe means "supersede". Three Diamond Mitsubishi were famous for "Zero Fighter WWⅡ". Mitsubishi is a weapon maker too. Eclipse might be a solar weapon. Legendary Ancient Queen "Himiko" fell from power because of  a total eclipse. It is thought that traitors devised this ultimate weapon. Since then, Eclipse happens by this mystic weapon.
 Of course this story contains a joke. Joking aside,  an eclipse would be associated with supernatural power by ancient peoples. it is true that an annular eclipse will be visible soon. Don't see  the sun directly  without eye protections.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Let's Try "How many megapixels?"Negative Film

"Maybe 5or6 megapixel digital camera, 135 film equals to"We often heard and listened to such the review or a sales promotion for digital cameras . To say the fact, I had no interest in photograph until a few years ago,  I didn't know in practice how resolution a camera film has.
 Having been bored with digital camera, (digital camera photography don't need the skill so much, mastering PC imaging aside.) I began to use film cameras. I have no film scanner, but I got to substitute digital cameras for a film scanner.  And I found negative film have far more performance than what digital camera promoters had said.

 This film is Kodak PORTRA160.(135 negative film)  Lens ; Cosina Zeiss PLANAR *T 50mm
Can you see the black rectangle line? This area became to the next image.

This image's resolution is far better than  a common flat head scanner.  This image has less area than one hundredth of original. One line equals to 2 pixels. This image seize is 487×328, and depending on lines in the image. Perhaps this image maybe equals to 200,000pixels.
 In conclusion, This trial shows 35mm negative film's resolution estimated 20 megapixels or more over. .

 Left image is a set for microscope digital photo made by myself. (Nikon Pronea Lens and Canon S95, light box, anti-newton ring acrylic plate, so on)

I didn't know how small detail a film can capture.  When I knew the real performance of negative film, it was due to be dismissed in any place I went. And now digital camera are getting superiority of the resolution to a film.
   This blog is not always camera topics. Perhaps camera topics are few in usual.  My interests and aptitudes mainly are based on a cultural science or philosophy. Miscellany about Politics will sometimes be uploaded..

Monday, March 19, 2012

The more pixels, the less business

For many photographers, as a matter of fact, digital camera performance might not be so important topics. Day by day, new digital cameras show up and implemented higher performance we have never seen before.

 But unfortunately, many pro cameramen are losing their jobs in Japan. Especially, publishing and advertising business are reducing needs of photograph and can't afford to pay cameramen. How about web business? It's almost child errands. I have not heard "Web business is lucrative"at all. Digital camera enable us to take photo easily, and client often do without extra cameraman.

 I got a nice idea! How about being paid from a cameraman? Nowadays even many girls want to be a camera(man or girl?). They should pay clients to take photo. Do you know a self publishing? Photo publishing will do same as it.

 In a used camera shop, I often convince that some cameraman closed their business. Tools of his trade is on sale together.
 May the glory of 80's  come back to photograph business ?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Amazing new Nikons ?

Nikonians might have been surprised at "36.3 megapixel new D800".  I wonder why not a few Nikon users praise "high megapixel model".  Until now, many Nikon users have critical opinion against "high megapixel race "among digital camera makers at least in Japan.
For example ,SONY has already released 24megapixel α SLR and Canon surpassed over Nikon at high megapixel race. But oddly,Nikon users used to say  "High pixels don't always have high resolution." 
 This is the very amateur camera collector(not photographer )opinion. Why digital cameras for professional need to have huge pixels? The Answer is very simple. Offset gravure (175 Lpi) needs far more pixels than amateur hobby printing on the condition of same resolution.  Even D800, it just only satisfy needs of B3(364mm×515mm) seize poster. If You want to get print fitted camera, a medium format film camera is still cheap and useful. I recommend you to take negative photo print. If you want to issue many copies, you can upload it as a sample with the original negative film to a print service provider. Even 135 film, it can satisfy A3 seize printing.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The future of film photography

 After a incandescent dispute, film photography are losing it's superiority to the digital imagining at any performance. High performance digital camera become cheaper and cheaper day by day. Even the cheapest new SLR model surpass over two or three years old expensive types. It may be taboo for camera shop concerned that the cheapest new model has high ability than a little bit old "flagship"in the digital SLR camera world. And, almost new digital SLR cameras have higher performance than film cameras nowadays. For example, the latest Canon kiss X4 is surpass Nikon D300 for the resolution, and you can buy four Canon X4s at the same cost as D300. Off course, D300 was already stopped it's production. Digital SLR camera market is enormously competitive, so basic units of imaging become unified. As a result, Price of high grade type is only the difference of sub gear or body design. Digital camera enable us to make high resolution photograph easily, and the gap between professionals and amateurs become little day by day.Professional cameraman might disappear.

 Yet, film photography seems to survive for the time being.  Film photographers don't always need high resolution for their works. All they should do is embodying the artistic motive. Moreover, without electricity, we can use film camera and develop.Still now, Negative film and Photographic paper surpass far over the usual digital printing in the saturation and gradation. But these elaborated prints is useless as a commercial use. Film photograph has already become an unprofitable work.

 One famous Japanese university has a photography department. and this department has two courses : film and digital. Almost students take the digital course. There are so few students in the film course that they can almost occupy the facilities for developing. They seems to enjoy the complicated way of film developing and get to live for the analog cozy world.
 But their way to the future is too dark to make blue prints.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Year After The Tsunami

Many cars and houses were swept away by the huge tsunami. I felt like I was dreaming at that time. The quake was so powerful and my town quaked strong too. Nobody forget the devastating power of nature.
 Many Japanese might begin to feel a crisis of the social regime, and there are no constructive opinion about a future among the young generation. And many aged people died of this disaster.
 Demographic tsunami are now coming. but politics is impotence in the face of decreasing birthrate.
All people implicitly know that the modern age values don't deserve to resolve this problem. Tsunami swept the veil over the hopeless toil against demographic catastrophe. Forcing young women to be married without preconditions and bear the child, would it nothing but Fascism?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Negative Film Digital Camera Scanning 2

Supplement of the last posting may be needed. Acrylic plate is easy to get, but anti-Newton ring type might be difficult to procure. I made it by the method of following process.
1 prepare a piece of acrylic plate and lacquer thinner (organic solvent) and rubbing compound for plastic model kit(fine, super fine)
2 spread thinner on the surface of the plate until the surface become translucent
3 polish the surface of the plate until recovering it's transparency using the compound.

To be short, making the surface irregular, the interference between the plate and the film can be avoided. Surprisingly, Newton ring will disappear.
 As for a close-up lens, Top lens of 70mm-300mm zoom lens is available. I recommend you to procure the junk, and disassemble the top lens of it. It is easy to be removed.

I show my sample of the photo transformed from negative again.

This photo is a part of the original image.
  Original image

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Negative Film Digital Camera Scanning.

 Kodak announced "The film division is in black still now. Film products will be supplied after the bankruptcy." Film camera will be survive for the present.
 By the  way, I will show the example of negative film image transformed to Positive image. Without film scanner, you can negative film scanning too.
 I use a piece of acryl plate on the film. It was special processed not to cover Newton ring (optical noises) on the film. The close up lens is Pentax 67 smc 200mm, and the digital camera is Canon S95.
 Negative film has no criteria to revive  natural color, and you have to interrupt the color information of negative film. Using Photoshop software, you can make positive images like my sample.
 Make it easy!

Negative film(120)on the light box

Set for digital close capturing for film



finished    Macci MC202(Italy) 1/72 scale

Large size image can be seen twitpic

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tsar Bomba

Why does Ahmadinejad try to get nuclear weapons so hastily? I can't say the fact without hesitation. "Hydrogen bomb is by far more destructive than Uranium bomb." As a matter of fact, Hydrogen bomb "Tsar Bomba" Which was made by USSR in 1961, had three thousands times as powerful as usual nuclear bomb. More over, modern aerosol bomb is known to have the destructive power that is even with the atomic bomb of Hiroshima type.
  Once the ability of product is got, an atomic bomb is by far cheaper than usual weapons.
Probably,this is why Iran and North Korea try to get nuclear weapons. And they will start a business with them. I can't understand any reason but this economical reason.
  We all already know the fact that only one mad dictator can make the world  a ruin.
Even now ,I'm astounded  by the fact that 50-year old Tsar Bomber had already had such the demoniac power.