Friday, May 28, 2010

Her character is very simple and easy to understand.

Mizuho Fukusima is a Japanese minister.And She has just been dismissed now because of the problem of U.S Army facilities in Okinawa. 
 What she says is interesting but has no influence among people.The more eager she is the less interests with her people have.
 Ironically She believes in American constitution for occupied Japan until now.She is a pro-American socialist.
Of course, that is America in 1945.She is an attorney and a symbol of Japanese deadlock  of thinking.
Her enemies are Family system and Army. "Had it not been for them, the world would be more wonderful than now"She always thinks so. To be short, she is a child.
  It is hard to realize "Free Marriage system"without destroying Family system.So,she is an anti family socialist. Japanese prime minister Hatoyama appointed her the minister of the family problem stupidly.Japanese politics seems now "the end of the world".

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spill the glue

Now I'm busy in making display model for a house maker company. I assemble same models day after day. The appointed date of delivery will come soon. I can't almost go to bed.I must glue many acrylic resin boards.I sometimes spill the glue over the transparent board and it is a troublesome loss.Whenever spilling the glue, I feel almost dead than alive. Fine model become shabby at once.
Well, Mainich Newspaper reporter Nishiyama got a scope from female member of foreign ministry in the bed.and Japanese government astonished but ferreted out who "let the cat out of the bag". 
Conservative and prosecutors did devastating campaign against Mainichi Newspaper company and the reporter Nishiyama "Nishiyama and Mainich are unfair and immoral."Many citizens felt so and denied the excuse the Newspaper company made to justify itself. Mainich Newspaper company became bankrupt and Nishiyama lost his job.This incident is thought to be one of important judicial precedents.( The right of  refusing  to testify about the News source.).......END

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's no use crying over spilt crude oil.

As For "spill the beans",it means to divulge a secret.In 1971, "Nishiyama incident 西山事件" happened. Nishiyam was the corespondent of the Newspaper"Mainich shinbun(毎日新聞).At that time, occupied "Okinawa(now there is serious disagreement between Japanese ministers and U.S government about Army facilities )"was due to be returned to Japan from U.S.Japanese and U.S governments had a secret about the burdensome cost for the land owners. Nishiyam approached to the female staff of foreign minister and had an affair with her. She leaked the secret that Japanese government would pay compensation to the landowners in stead of U.S.He leak the secret to the opposite socialist party.He seemed successfully to have an influence on politicians.
 .But this brought Mainich Newspaper a crisis after that.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lens mold

How do you feel when you find a mold on your camera lens?You might be discouraged very much.
Why on earth a mold grows on a camera lens? I suspect someone harassing. He might steal into our closet and disassemble our cameras and put a mold on the lens and then reassemble them when we are not there.
 Probably I may be the man of a lens mold. because I enjoy cleaning a lens to remove a mold,that is to restore a camera lens and call someone "You are no less than a lens mold(especially Japanese politician)".
Mamiya lens with a mold (It is a option lens "Sekor" for RB67 SLR) came to me very cheap($20), and I cleaned it almost perfect. It is easy to disassemble Mamiya Sekor lens for RB67. I used a  polishing compound for a car window glass.It is easy to get.