Monday, May 27, 2013

Sweden May Be Targeted By The Islamic Extremists.

 Riot in Sweden has continued for a week. But in Japan, to be strange, there are so few news on this incident. It may be a contributing factor that Sweden is always idealized by liberal Japanese intellectuals.

 Immigrants in Sweden includes many Muslims, and 17% of the population in Sweden are already aliens. So-called Swedish far right groups have been cautious about this problem, but many western medias ignored this problem. Because for liberals, or leftists, Sweden is a ideal country, they always think medias shouldn't let people know the FACT. Actually, Only American conservative intellectuals have been criticizing this problem.

 Now, in Europa. Islamic Extremists are in action, maneuvering for Jihad. Today News noticed British solder killed by Islamist too. Sweden may be most dangerous in Europe, because Swedish Politicians are too liberal to face up to the reality. and the fact that many progressives in other countries praise Swedish society model, is rather harmful for the future of Sweden. If I were an Al Qaeda, I would target Sweden.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's About Time Turkey Took An Action, But

 Just now Turkey's F16 Jet fighter has crashed near the border with Syria. Many Turkish people was dead by the  blasts this two days.  It may be possible to assume  that Shia Armageddon has already began. Erdogan said " Turkey won't refrain to respond to Syria." But, on the contrary , Syria blamed Erdogan as a Murder.  Of course, what these things only mean is, the situation between Turkey and Syria is quite ominous.

 Assad was alredy reported to use chemical weapons including S A R I N gas ,which was known for terror attack on the Tokyo subway 1995 by Aum Shinrikyo. It is natural for him to prepare for even the worst retaliation. Why is Assad audacious? I can't assume the reason without Shia Armageddon. Aum Shinrikyo was also a cult group which advocated preparing "Armageddon".

 Hezobllah ,Syria,and Iran are The Shia Axis which will be beginning Armageddon.