Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sovereign Debt Crisis Again

We are optimists all over the world. All we have to do is to churn out national bond. No matter what will happen, we need not to do an arduous job. Printing money is easy task. Why are we such idiots who don't study the historical lessons
However, I am not a financial expert nor a technocrat of the financial administration. So my opinion can not surpass a gossiping at a barbershop.But I am convinced that coming crisis will be provoked coincidentally among many countries. Because astronomical huge money are circulated by speculation in the modern world.
"To warn the catastrophe seems to cry wolf but Japanese governmental liabilities have become to the serious level.And Doomesday might come suddenly."The Governor of the Bank of Japan said a short while ago.
As for famous Aesop's allegory "cry wolf", the last crying was true. After all,villagers came to be preys for wolf pack. Tsunami might swept the fear for the another serious problem from Japan. We neglect this serious financial problem and might have some implicit consent with a lax policy."To pretend forgetting a problem is a best policy."Shall we think so?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Vegetables Sell At A Low Price.

I have bought Vegetables just now. Some Vegetables come from a farmland nearby Fukushima nuclear plant.I mightn't know better than to eat radioactive vegetables. Well I don't care about nuclear accident (Someone might consider me an idiot and indiscreet person)and we can get vegetables at a discount.
Ignorant is a bliss. Literally, I am ignorant of what a radioactive food harm the human health. It is not because of the lack of information,but Information about radioactive danger is TOO MUCH TO DISCERN RIGHT.
Radioactive vegetables, Whenever we all eat it together, you need not dread to eat it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Crazy Kan

Whoever have a poor and naive person as a nation leader is unlucky. Not a few Japanese have come to think prime minister Naoto Kan himself deserve to be regarded as a worse disaster rather than Tsunami. Serious shortage of electricity is foreseen in this summer.Nevertheless,he call for normal reactor to stop immediately. The reactor located on epicenter where mega quake is expected.
But it is not so much dangerous as other reactors in Japan. Because it is important Whether safety system against disaster is effectively equipped in a earthquake zone like Japan. Tsunami which hit Fukushima was unfortunately OUT OF EXPECTATION.
To say the truth, Naoto Kan is FAR LEFT. His pose against nuclear reactor was messy and encouraged Nuclear reactor negatives without alternative means.He might as well hope anarchism as recover industries. "Naot Kan, if you are sane, Quite your ridiculous scheme,and resign prime minister."