Wednesday, October 21, 2009


(images; compact film camera Fuji CARDIA 700 ZOOM 1988 model, sample photo temple Fuji color 100)

I bought a compact film camera for a song. it is twenty years old model. On the Internet auction, nobody put a price on it.
I tried a shot by it.
It was very low picture quality.
I thought it cheap trivial film camera, and would disassemble it as a junk. By the way,
Please look at sample images. I discovered ring screw for focus adjustment at the top lens.
I managed to adjust it.
I tried a shot again. It was a wonderful quality.
But such many cameras like this are thrown away as a junk now.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog in Blog "I am a back seat driver."

Back seat driver
Can you(this blog writer) write more interesting story? Sometimes I have no idea about what you say. I may have better idea than you. Good writing has something lowbrow.
......posted by back seat driver ..0 comment..Links to this post

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No ,we can't.

(Image;Chinese bamboo partridge)

We were a poultry. Now we enjoy wildlife. My many comrades run about in the bush of bamboo. Nobody hunts us. We originated from china.We can't go back to a cage any more.

Or,perhaps "Yes, you can." Someday you will come back to the cage.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Really great? Negative Film

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 5

Image 1,3 are scanned at about 450,000 pixel.(kodak Ekter 100)
As a total of 35mm film, the amount of pixel is 36~45,000,000!
By the way , maximum picture size on this blogger is 1,713,600(1600 x 1071)pixel.
I used cheap zoom lens ( nikkor AF 35-80 4.o 5.6D).
Image 5; Left side ,scan level 1.8Mega pixel/a 35mm film,Right side,36Mega pixel/a 35mm film

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Film or Digital?

(image; Nikon F3 HP,my collection)

Until a few years ago, there had been the controversy "which is the better,Film or Digital in the picture quality".But I didn't care such trivial matters. So I am using Film camera still now. Simple people thinks " the newer the better,every thing."
I worked at a publisher, I realized digital would replace Film at once. The Answer is simple. we can do away with the troublesome reversal film. Reversal Film was mainly for publishing use.
To say precisely, Digital replaced reversal film. Most amateur camera freak don't know the true performance of NEGATIVE FILM. And they always misunderstand reversal the better than negative.Especially MONOCHROME FILM IS INCREDIBLE performance. Therefore Negative Film is used for an aerial photograph still now.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obsolete word

Famous fashion brand files for bankruptcy in Japan. Yohji Yamamoto (Y's) , his name remind me 80's. And I remember a large number of obsolete word. I won't drag Japanese word. But actuary
many terms in a fashion magazine disappeared in the world.
Recently I don't see "Groovy" and"Foxy"in English . In Yahoo Answers(Japan) someone answered that they could be used with children. It sounds like "obsolete word". "bubble 80's" "lost90's",some Japanese use often such phrases. Many things have faded away for last two decades.

Friday, October 9, 2009

chicken head

Learning languages is tough business to most people. Although much effort,most people forget what he learned. When I was studying for the examination to enter university, classic Japanese trouble me very much. After six years of learning English in school, English for examination was already easy for me.( I managed to enter university ;law)
I am embarrassed to confess the fact that I taught high school student English when I was in the university. Please don't be surprised, one of my student had American mother. I felt more dead than alive.
 As for "chicken head" , in classic Japanese it means to become a leader of small sect or organization. (To become followers in a big group is " cow's hip".) in modern Japanese, it means to forget everything only after a short time. How to use is following."He forget every things after three steps walking."Then people say "He is a chicken head".
By the way, what does "chicken head"mean in English?I didn't learn such an English phrase in the school. Someone use a phrase" chicken head girls". what does it mean?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

War is the first cause.

(left image; war propaganda poster in Imperial Japan. Title UCHITE
SHI YAMAN " Drive away the enemy with gunfire"a phrase in old tails of first emperor "Jinmu")

There is no more troublesome than a discourse about war. I have an idea of studies "discourse about war". I discovered the axiom about war . Following famous Greek philosopher "Heraclitus"(War is the father of all things) I provide it "War is the first cause".
Clever readers can understand this proposition damages following propositions."Why war happens?or How can we stop war? We must not start hopeless war. "
What is the difficult problems of a discourse about war? It is always covered with such SECOND GUESSING. If it doesn't , mostly it is spoiled by weapon freak chatting.
If war is the last trump card, War inevitably will happen, whether there is hope for victory or not. After the war, whatever is explained,TAIL WAG THE DOG.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Strange Islands "Andaman"

(above image;Japanese marsh shrimp Nikon D70, AF-S VR Micro Nikkor 105mm)

One day, Some old man spoke to me. He looked for his umbrella. After the getting it back, we had a long chat.
He had been in Andaman islands in WW2. After that, he went to Java island, worked for oil plant.Every day, he ate crustacean every day.
On Andaman islands ,he saw some strange things. one of them was a British facilities at work,the others were German U-boot and a strange aborigine at the SAME TIME.How strange scene it was. He added the aborigine put a strange sack in the crotch.We hardly believed it. But Recently I become to believe his testimony was true.Now I understand Andaman islands is very famous place among Anthropologist. The islands are wrapped in mystery still now.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fool's errand

(image;Guadalcanal islands)

It has been five months since I started to write this blog. It was fruitless job.I understood a phrase"Fool's errand". It is the very phrase for me. I appreciate bloggers who place my comments in their own blogs.By the way, some strange my blog readers in Japan are reading this blog very slowly every time.What are you doing?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Freud or Jung?

(left image; C.G.Jung Jung Institute Zurich)
Nowadays, critics based on Freud and Jung(great innovators of psychiatry ) don't appear in the journalism. For a long time ago, I have asked an Englishman how about C.G.Jung's thinking in Britain. I heard that it was popular there.(please read Wikipedia about Freud and C.G.Jung)
Especially so-called "New Age"preferred C.G.Jung. But recently a psychiatry is mainly a treatment with drugs, not a therapy.After all ,mental disease is thought to be cared with drugs. Not knowing whether such an affair has something to do with or not, the death or accident seems to be caused by sleeping and mental drug one after another.(Japanese famous drunken politician who slurring attended to the international briefing"Shouichi Nakagawa"was dead yesterday . I suspect he died of drugs for the care same as Michael Jackson.)Actuary,he was excellent person (former financial minister).
Japanese famous blog writer "Nobuo Ikeda"(economics) made fun of C.G.Jung "He is a fortune-teller on the corner." This is right comment. therefore he failed to run C.G.jung down. Because a fortune telling or a channeling, we may need it for a mental health.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My favorite fools.

(left image;Crabs)

Recently, I knew that Filipino often use a phrase "crab mentality".In the basket,crabs disturb themselves getting free each other. So this phrase is a metaphor of jealousy or negative reflection and accusation.It is truly accurate expression. This is just like "Prisoner's Dilemma"in game theory too. we can not get maximum merit because of distrust each other.By the way,in German, there is a neat phrase "schadenfreude"too. Japanese say
"Other's misfortune tastes sweet.".How unconcealed expression it is!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Life on instinct

To be different from an animal,a man has no stable instinct. In the different Era,people has another desire.One Japanese psychiatrist provided"Human is a broken instinct animal". In short, human desire is a culture itself.
Before the war, famous writer"Takeo,Arishima"proclaim "Life on instinct"He was influenced by Nietzsche's thinking. He ran to adultery.After all , he suicided with other's wife in Japanese way(Shinju心中).What was his instinct? I can't understand at all.

Friday, October 2, 2009

You are already dead.

A long time ago, I read the cartoon "Fist of the North stars""北斗の拳" The story was ridiculous but hero "Kenshiro" used the amazing elocution in this cartoon. I would expect where he used the
elocution"You are already dead".
Recently I discovered this cartoon series dubbed into English. I haven't recognized the existence because I let such a trivial cartoon be. It looks like very popular in English region.
I watch it on Youtube. I am not native English speaker. So I don't Know how impressions natives have to it. Regardless to say,Dubbed English elocution is very cool impression for me.
In Japan, There is a translation style Japanese ,for example novels and songs. This cartoon gave me such impression at that time.