Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good Night Baby

(Good Night Baby;German Caption)
This is old hit song "Good Night Baby" in japan,1968. This Group is "The Kingtones " and first Japanese R&B group.
This was sold in U.S and R&B Charts was 48.
I hear they are active now too .

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Stupid Justice,Opportunity Justice.

(image;Foucault The third)

In western world,nobody opposes against "Equal Opportunity" But this is a cliche which put person(especially young people) under a spellbinding.
Depending on "Stupid justice", there are only two important things in the world. They are called "Egalitarianism and meritocracy".
Creative Art never originates from them. Whoever create something needs an accident and absurdity after a long term training.
According to Nietzsche, we hate creativity. Mediocrity and commonplace are justice for ordinal person.
This theme is actuary serious, therefor, I will comment lately again.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The End of The Politics

(image;Neon tetra)

As for" Power-Knowledge",someone who has specialized social science,remember M.Foucault. Please don't mistake"Knowledge is Power"
Depending on his theory,
Not only cooperation of them, but also "our own Ego" originate from them.
Therefore, without politics,we may wipe our own ego out cleanly.
I dislike politics,and Sometime I imagine the world without ego like a fish.
By the way ,North Korea used the medicine to erase man's memory,and reformed the mind. Some U.S prisoners in Korean War, were erased their belief, became a perfect communist at heart.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Public debt and right of pledge

(image;Fist of the North stars,Kenshiro"You are already dead.")

We can't attach the government property. In Japanese gangster novels or cartoons, sometime a loan gang bring the daughter as a pawn from a insolvent person. He said "We shall take your daughter."
If government became insolvent, can we do such like that? Not knowing what economists say about, the amount of public debts has own limit of solvency. If government exceed over the limit, default will be real inevitably.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Please don't fly away.

(image;Eisvogel nikon f100,centuria100)

The day before yesterday, Kingfisher was in my sight. I took a photo of it.
One old man told to me "as for a bird, I had only thought catching and eating in my childhood".
Is this the very difference of Era?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Intercultural understanding and ethnocentrism 1

Actually,intercultural understanding is hard to know what is important. Generally,in every country an alien critic to our own culture is fail to get touch with our cultural sensitivity.
Now I am studying German as a foreign language. For example It is difficult for non German speaker to use "Sie and Du"(either is "You" in English).We cannot understood how Germany use "Sie and Du" in English Culture. In some case, to change the word "Sie"to"Du" means"I Love You".But recently I heard that young people prefer to use "Du",and some couples call "Sie"each other. Therefor intercultural understanding is difficult.
By the way , Japanese often misuse an complex honorific expression even though their own language. Why can aliens understand such like that?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pretty Pony

Songs for animals or pets are rare. Let me introduce one.
Someday my cherished pony shall become a war-horse .
The Sad day of parting from pony has come.