Saturday, January 30, 2010

A madman

Today, nearby madman made noise. He found fault with passersby. I have been run down by pretexts for a quarreling.
"Madness and Civilization"is the famous work of Foucault. In this work, "ship of fools"is presented.A ship with a full of Mad persons leave for the other world.
A madness is a show and common people know saneness by negative emotion to a madman. I think so.

Friday, January 29, 2010

A ridiculous uselessness


This is thirteen years old pine. It was brought up from a seed.
I often forget this. I wonder this hasn't been dead. It has been in little sunshine.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Please look at me.

(Common Kingfisher,Nikon D80 450mm)
Today, I show the latest kingfisher photo off.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's so old-fashioned.

( paper clay,"pin-up girl")
I have no talent to make progressive images,vison. so I craft retorospective figure.
Well,"dear old 20th century"it is.

Monday, January 25, 2010

There is no space for the Army.

There is a serious disagreement about U.S Marines facility in Okinawa,Japan. I come to be convinced that an army exists out of society. As for"outside the gate" almost Japanese associate a jail. Inside the gate is outside the society.
One of problems is that an army consists of almost men. So Outside the gate means the girl hunt field. Common people dislike it. For civilian, the existence of a soldier is a sexual harassment.
Things which remind common person of pysical images can not exist socially. To go to a hospital often is to escape from social duty. Inside the hospital is often Outside the society or the family.Recently Common nude statute is not set in a public space.(20~30ago,they were commonly made and put here and there) Society eliminates even common nude statutes.
By the way, I have heard General Patton was in a rage to a nude pin-up of private soldier.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Go fishing and you will catch a man.

(image,Romy schneidr 1938-1982"SISI")
One old Chinese historic episode give a wonder of the chance to meet a important person. King of old china" 周" listened to the rumor of the old fishing person. The old man was always staying by the river without games. The king decided to go to him. The old man became a great tactician for the king.Japanese often use this story for a fishing fan.
By the way, the old cinema "SISI" was not so famous in Japan. It was presented but didn't get
popularity(DVD"SISI" doesn't sale in Japan, on the contrary"Roman Holiday"is very popular.)
It was performed in Easy Germany, So I watched some footage on Youtube.
Romy schneider got her husband(Emperor Franz Joseph)by the fishing for which she escaped from the arranged matching party for her sister. She caught a person by the fishhook.Emperor talked to her"Do you catch something?"She replied to him " Yes, I have caught you just now."

Friday, January 22, 2010

Let's use a euphemism.

an imaginative person "a liar"
Precieuses (Moliere)say,
consultant for one's charm"a mirror"
youth for aged"a wig"
supplement to sunshine"a candle"
a receipt love affair"a gray hair"
Kyoto people use as follows
Would you like to have a tea and light meal(Ochazuke)?
"Go back at once"
Please stay in my home tonight because it is too late.
" I must get up early tomorrow morning. Go back at once."

This signboard has nothing to do with a Stone statute.

(Kodak UC 100)

This is a clothing store's signboard. It is famous for low price.
Some people(fashion business) hate this store because of destructive influence to consumer.Young people come not to buy expensive clothing. Look at this mismatch.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Politics is smaller than a society.

Politics doesn't change society.Society changes politics. Social fluctuate causes politics. If a common people died of cancer,Newspaper wouldn't carry an item about it. To die of cancer is a common thing. But society stands on a common sense,such as "lebenswelt(lifeworld)".and Nobody talk about them one by one.
Many facts in the world formed a self-evidential preconditions. Politics get away from them.
On the contrary, a political incident indicates some social common sense fluctuate.
Serious political crisis sometime indicates the collapse of social fact,such as employment or marriage system.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Supreme green.

(Common kingfisher,January 19, Nikon f100 kodak superGold400)
I haven't seen a Emerald till now.Common kingfisher is called "flying gemstone" A jade means both a common kingfisher and a green gemstone in Japan. By the way, I
have heard the phrase "Jealousy is green eyed "a few times. Why is a green color used as a bad meaning?

Kodak superGold400 is the best match for this kingfisher color.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I got my photo deleted by Nikon online.

To my surprise, my photo had been deleted from Nikon online gallery. I received E-mail from Nikon. "There were inappropriate images in your album, so we deleted them."
They were only my wood works of a female nude. I didn't thought them obscene at all.
I felt exhaust when I understood my works were regarded erotic by Nikon.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Who am I ?

I forget every thing. I have forgot even my own name.Where is here?
Anyone who passed by me,looks unfriendly with my Amnesia.
I may possibly be too strong.
Well,See you somewhere.
This is a pose of "Kongo-rikishi"

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The high cost of school expense may be a waste.

(wood carving,Japanese cypress, Nikon D80)

Monetarist(economics,Milton Freedman ,so on) brought up the reform a education system in former days.
It used to be said that many schools were not competitive,and wasted social cost or tax.
Why is not the high cost of education criticized now? I have not heard teachers earn much. Where has the huge amount of tuition gone? Now the poor can't go to a university.Especially I was astonished at the sum of tuition in U.S universities.
Education,it is a modern indulgence business.

Friday, January 15, 2010

BYE BYE 80'S >>> Crisis of the Capitalism

A man doesn't learn what teachers or parents say. We learn everything in a social practice. Forced thinking is easy to abandon for young people. But it is difficult for common people to cast off old ideas that were believed to be got by themselves.
A generation isn't a personal sense.It is an nonverbal atmosphere of group or social behavior. So it is difficult to talk about generation as a difference of thinking between one generation from others.
To be sophisticated as a consumer was the most important discipline for 80's."If you don't want to be loser,be smart, sexy, and fashionable."Commercialism stole into every thing. People didn't want changes. Capitalism was right.
80's have such an air.and infatuation with a big-name brand still now.
Even critics based on 80's zeitgeist already had become meaningless. In fact, because of the 80's, CAPITALISM FACED SERIOUSNESS NOW.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

ALL EARS part2 short story about a ear.

Hoich's colleagues suspected his abnormality. They asked their chiefr for the advice and investigate where Hoich had been going.
Hoich was seen to be in the tomb with Heike ghost. The chief spelled letters of sutra(Hanna Shinkyo)on Hoichi's body.
Hoichi went to the tomb again. The ghosts listened his playing but couldn't his figure.
"Hoichi,where are you?"the ghosts asked.
"I'm here" Hoichi answered.
The ghosts could see only Hoich's EARS.So they took them from his head,and brought them back.
His chief forgot writing sutra only on his EARS.


Once upon a time, blind lute player(biwa minstrel)"Hoichi". He was taken away his ears by the Heike Ghost. He was meeting with the client without knowing it ghost. GHOST WAS ALL EARS ABOUT HIS PERFORMANCE. BECAUSE HE PLAYING "HEIKE STORY".His own end was played by him. ^^CONTINUED

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Thinking about snow.

(Hokkaido, Olympus pen,late 70's)
Inhabitants in a heavy snow area may have enough to snow. But people in The Temperate Zone, a snow has mystic images.
I am possessed by the sense "Snow is the violence to purify the deplorable society."
Of course, this is only my idea, not common image.
By the way, when historic terrorism 2.26 incident(1936) happened ,Tokyo was covered with heavy snow. The most important person for the opening country to the world, was killed in the snow in front of the gate of Edojo(1860). These incidents have an unique air,and memories are linked with snow image.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How will become this year?

Learning languages is an infinite search for the human possibility. Even learning one's own native language is not an exception too.
My language skill make progress very slowly. But to learn long time brought me a rich store of knowledge.
The most important thing about a language is not to speak something but to know what was not spoken.
Last year, Economic problem and global warming issue were talked every day. But those always were the smoke that people cover a inconvenient things with. You should catch the implied meaning. DAUGHTERS,JUST SHUT UP AND MAKE PREPARATIONS FOR MARRIAGE.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why am I writing as a blogger?

(Mt.Fuji, Mamiya645, SekorC 80mm+tele converter, Fujifilm super G 100)
See full size image 4000 × 3000
A Happy New Year!
Last year Internet was sluggish. I hadn't founded something new. Are topics of politics(especially global warming issue) and sports fun? By the way ,this winter is so cold. There are no heater in my room. Is the earth warming?